Saturday 6 August 2011

Fabulous New Kids Boutique Cake & Jelly

If you hear the words Cake and Jelly, what does it make you think of ? I'm betting the fun and innocence of traditional kids' birthday parties. (Unless you're my dad or me, in which case you're probably remembering a particularly silly episode one Christmas when he put a plate of jelly on my chair just before I sat down and I retaliated by throwing a piece of Christmas cake at him. Which wouldn't have mattered except my mum had made extremely hard (and lethal) royal icing peaks that bounced off his forehead and drew blood ! We laugh about it now, honestly !)

But I digress ! Cake and Jelly is also the name of a fabulous, funky new kids boutique that has just launched and I'm in love with everything in the store ! They offer a whole host of gloriously cute and quirky handmade soft-furnishings that will instantly make your kids' bedrooms look fabulous and this range is set to expand to include clothing in the near future.

This personalised bunting is my ultimate fave and looks just the kind of thing that you see in all the room-makeover shows on TV. What little girl or boy wouldn't be proud to have their name emblazoned across their bedroom wall ?

But they like to combine the fun with the functional and also have a range of fabric bags that are perfect for stuffing with everything you need for a sunny afternoon at the park.

For those creative types amongst you, I love their big felt badges that come as cupcakes, donuts and pencils, that you could use to customise a badge or cushion yourself for a totally unique and quirky item.

But the exciting thing is, this is just the beginning. You can already buy a selection of items in their online store but they will be adding more very soon. The official blurb says : "Offering an initial capsule range for boys and girls (from babies to children) that will include t-shirts, tote bags, pump bags and badges through to interior products such as cushions, beanbags, bunting (plain and personalized) and illustrated posters, Cake & Jelly are making their mark in the best way possible. Their ethos is all about creating a range of original, quality, handmade clothing and accessories for babies and children that are fun and functional and are appreciated and enjoyed by both parents and children."

Harriet and Leah Whittaker are the spark behind the brand. Having both completed design degrees, Harriet in Textiles and Leah in Illustration, they were looking for an outlet which would enable them to make the most of their skills coupled with the passion they both have for anything creative. Together, these two are a design duo made in heaven, with flair and imagination backed up with technical talent.

I for one can't wait to see what else they come up with !

for more information :

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  1. love stuff like this - looks great!

  2. I love the bunting, I was even one for my daughter when she was little and need to get one for my son's room. Many thanks

  3. Gorgeous items! The bunting is so pretty!

  4. I want some bunting for my two boys rooms, I think it looks great!

  5. What gorgeous pieces they have...I would love to have a cake and jelly shop near me!
