Sunday 13 July 2014

Giveaway #406 : Win a box of Guylian chocolates - closed - winner William Gould

School is almost out for the summer and Guylian's have launched their 'Thank You to Teacher' campaign, suggesting offering Guylian as the perfect way for children to thank their teachers for all their help this year. As a teacher myself, can I just point out that I think that this is a very, very good idea !

The 46g Sea Horses are a particularly great gift idea as they retail at £1 so they could be bought with your child's own pocket money, making it extra special and meaningful.

Guylian sent me (oh, ok, us!) through a box to sample and I have to say, that are very nice chocolates indeed. I love the seashell and sea horse shapes that welcome in the summer and get me thinking of the beach already and make the whole chocolate-eating experience extra special. Each chocolate is wonderfully chunky and indulgent and the texture is smooth and creamy.

Don't just take my word for it though ! Gylian have kindly offered to send a box of their lovely chocolates to one lucky Madhouse Family Reviews reader too. Fill in your details in the Rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 26/7/14

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after a week, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray !

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  1. Always give my child's teachers and teaching assistants a small gift as it teaches my child to be grateful and spread a little happiness - after all there isn't enough gratefulness and happiness in our world!

  2. We give a card but don't buy a present

  3. it wasn't done when I was at school (high desks, ink wells and mortar board days!)

  4. I always do - they are such an important part of the kids lifes for a full year


  5. yes i will be however i will buy one individually as don't agree with all putting in a kitty

  6. When they were younger I did.

  7. They seem to be trying to comercialise giving teacher gifts.

  8. Nobody gave gifts to the teacher when I was a child but I sometimes did to my children's teachers. The fact that I worked in a school myself and overheard teachers saying they were inundated with stuff they didn't know what to do with put me off somewhat.

  9. I commented on Our Little Secret Fiery Kadhai Dine-In Kit with Basmati Rice review

  10. i gave my teacher a tie stand once because he had loads of ties lol :)

  11. No kids, and if I'd given gifts to any of my teachers when I went to school I would've had the *$%# beaten out of me.

    Teacher's pets weren't tolerated back then, when bullying went unpunished.

  12. I don't ever remember giving a Teacher a present when I was at school!

  13. i gave chocolates too when i was young :)

  14. I will give some chocolates to my son's teacher as she has been very good with him

  15. never did as a child, always have for son's teachers and classroom assistants. However as he spends part his time in STF this always equates to least 6 pressies so undecided atm as yet again his main teacher hasnt returned my phone call

  16. I don't remember doing it when I was younger, but my children made gifts for their teachers when they were in school. I was amazed at the expense some of the parents went to. But having five in school that wasn't an option, plus my children thought about what they wanted to do & why for their teachers.

  17. I used to give a gift when my son was at Primary school but not now he is at high school.

  18. it really depends on the teacher, my daughter has not enjoyed school at all this year because she doesn't like the teacher that much, the teaching assistant is great though she deserves a gift

  19. commented on Globe-cooking recipe : Apple strudel (Germany)

  20. Cards yes, but not presents except once, because the teacher was fantastically outstanding - so a small box of choccies
    (Spencer Broadley)

  21. No to my daughters teachers - I dont think they even know who she is...however my little boys nursery teachers have been simply amazing! Bottles of wine and Chocolates for them! :D

  22. I always get the teacher a card and some chocs, and this year we are giving her some of these guylian chocs

  23. Presents only for Infant and Junior school teachers. A 99p box of chocs is all they need as they get so much chocs and stuff. A handwritten thank you note is much better :)

  24. we gave cards, but never gifts

  25. Never have, and now i feel pretty mean!

  26. I never give gifts to my childrens teacher as they are doing the job they are paid to do

  27. my sons teacher is getting chocolates as its his last year at primary school

  28. I don't remember ever giving a gift to a teacher many years ago when I was at school. Perhaps it wasn't the "done thing" in those days ...

  29. It definitely wasn't the done thing when I was a school but I gave my son's class teachers small gifts when he was in primary school

  30. Usually my kids make a handmade gift but this year they will be giving chocs

  31. I normally give my kids teachers a card and chocolate

  32. I normally give chocolates

  33. No, cant afford it to be honest.

  34. We never gave gifts to the teacher when we were younger.

  35. We've got chocolates for the teachers

  36. My children don't go to school. My teachers usually got chocolates.

  37. My daughter has only just started nursery so no presents yet but I always used to get my teacher a present and as my mum was a teacher, she used to end up with loads of chocolate, wine and bath products at the end of term!

  38. Years (and years!) ago my Mum knitted the teachers a dolly toilet roll holder. Don't know if anyone remembers them, they were quite retro at one time!

  39. When I went to school no one used to buy teachers gifts. All different now. It's a nice idea as they are just simple gifts.

  40. I don't remember anyone giving presents to teachers when I went to school.

  41. don't intend giving a gift, just thanks

  42. I only gave a present last year as the teacher really did make a difference to my son. my daughters have the same teachers next year! I never gave presents when I was younger, think now it is 'keeping up with the Jonses' (or any other name)

  43. No I don't believe in it and besides if every kid did the teachers would be bombarded with stuff! I know it sounds a bit mean, but they are doing their job

  44. Not when I was a child, and only a card from my boys nowadays.

  45. Yes but it will a DIY one :)

  46. just a handmade pressie but we never did it ourselves as kids apart from the very last year at primary school when I had a really lovely teacher

  47. commented on the brioche pinwheels

  48. We give cards with a little drawing from my son but not presents.

  49. As I have a child in Pre-school and one in Nursery we are giving them pink cupcakes all wrapped up in nice bags with ribbon on the top :)

  50. yes, not sure what yet tho

  51. Cant recall anyone I know of ever giving a teacher a present

  52. when I was at school teachers didn't tend to get presents

  53. No - I think it's yet another example of over commercialism brought over from the states like the now almost obligatory baby shower

  54. Nope - it seems like a form of bribery to me. Give teacher a gift - get good marks in return.

  55. If they've really touched your child then I don't see the problem with giving them a thank you gift!

  56. I used to give my favorite teachers an engraved pen (about 40 years ago)

  57. yes i have given cards and pressies today

  58. We never gave presents to the teacher when I was a sprog. I try to limit the gifts to my daughter's teachers to a small box of chocs. They earn more than I do!

  59. Renee Armstrong16 July 2014 at 16:26

    We didn't give teachers gifts in my day but when one male teacher retired he got lots of gift...I got him an ashtray. Not very PC now !

  60. Pamela says - this wasn't done when I was at school as the thinking then was that teachers were professional people who were paid to perform in their roles.

  61. It's a nice gesture towards the teachers who are deserving of gifts, but sometimes think it's more of an ego boost for the pushy mummies.

  62. this was never done in my day

  63. I've commented on Our Peppa Pig Oinkestra fun

  64. I'll be giving them a card and chocolates

  65. Yes of course, my daughter loves to give gifts to her teachers. They become so attached to them I think. She is just finishing year 3 xx

  66. My little boy gave his teacher a gift card this year so she can buy something she wants with it :)

  67. My daughter hasn't started school yet but, when she does, I plan to give a gift to her teachers. It didn't happen much when I was at school, although I remember giving my teacher something when I left primary school.

  68. Absolutely not. It's a form of corruption.

  69. No. This would never occur to me and never happened when I was a child

  70. Yes and yes. In that order.

  71. I don't have any children but I don't usually receive any gifts from my (secondary age) pupils. I sometimes get a card.

  72. I gave one teacher chocolates when I was in school when she was retiring from her job.

  73. We never gave our teachers presents but I probably will give my son's teacher some chocolates.

  74. We didn't when I was younger. I have done with my son's teacher, although I didn't bother last year. Still thinking about whether too this year.

  75. When I was a child at school :- I don't believe it was done. Remember in Primary school that at prize-giving one of the staff who worked in the canteen (Dinner Lady, Orderly) would be presented with a bouquet of flowers. I believe that was from school funds and organised via Headmaster. As he and many others were aware how well this staff member worked. She was polite, cheery and helpful. We were all fond of her and appreciated her commitment to her work, and to people generally. It was nice that she knew she was appreciated, by the regular gesture of a Thank-you gift, at pupils prize giving event.

    Rachel Craig

  76. I commented on blog :- Broxo Orabrush Electric Toothbrush Review.

  77. I never gave out gifts to teachers as a child, it wasn't really the done thing then. However my children have always taken in gifts when they've had an extra special teacher although now they're in high school, it's very rare we send in a teacher gift.

  78. when I was at school, we gave a card

  79. definitley, my grandaughter leaving pre-school this year and starting big school lol

  80. I commented on the Little Mix post.
    I gave my teacher a best teacher mug :)

  81. I did when he was in primary school but now he's moved up he has so many different teachers it's hard to choose!

  82. Yes and yes! Very important! @Amezeylady

  83. I cant remember if we did in Primary school - it was too long ago, I might get the kids teachers a small gift for them to take in on Tuesday!

  84. I don't remember ever giving a gift to my teacher - I don't think anyone did back in the 70s

  85. I don't have any kids & can't remember if we used to for our teachers (too long ago).

  86. No and never have
    Claire D

  87. Never gave anything to my teachers

  88. We don't usually, but this year my dd has asked if we can give them presents, so I'll have to find something to give them.

    When I was at school the whole concept was unheard of.

  89. My Daughter's giving a card and box of chocolates to her teachers.

  90. My Daughter's giving her teachers a thank you card and a box of chocolates this year!

  91. It wasn't done when I was at school. Something else which has just got over commercialised.

  92. I gave just for the really good, favourite ones.

  93. I never gave a teacher a gift, when I was a child.

  94. Don't think I ever gave my teacher a gift. We didn't in those days, they used to give us chocolates as I recall!

  95. I don't give teachers gifts...four kids, too expensive.

    teachers didn't get gifts when I was a child either.

  96. Didn't give gifts when I was a one did and it wasn't expected either.

  97. i did when i was in first and middle school. I buy little pressies for my daughters preschool teachersw

  98. As a child I always gave my teachers gifts, usually chocolate

  99. I never used to as a child, I don't think it was the norm then as it is now! My youngest son and his 3 best friends have had a nice photo taken and we're putting it in a frame for their teacher!
    Helen booth

  100. when i went to school we never gave things to teachers, we always said that there were the best teacher in the world

  101. I always gave presents to my sons' teachers and teaching assistants

  102. I remember getting a present for a member of staff and took it in on the last day of school but she had left the day before and wasn't in that day LOL


  103. I gave flowers to my teacher every year as a kid

  104. @markx1r

    i did when i was a child yeah

  105. I got a lovely Nip and Fab gift set for my daughters teacher - only because it was really cheap in a sale (otherwise it would have been a box of Roses or a smelly candle)

  106. I commented on the Flash Liquid-Gel review

  107. I normally give chocolates

  108. We gave our childrens teachers bath bombs this year instead of chocolate

  109. It was never done when i was at school

  110. My son gave a box of chocolates to his teacher

  111. I am a teacher and didn't get any presents at the end of term. At Christmas 3 siblings bought me a beautiful Dove set and last Christmas one of my students bought me a small box of Ferrero Rocher!

  112. Maybe a card and a little gift set of somesort

  113. Mark Chamberlin24 July 2014 at 17:47

    I gave my teacher a box of roses!

  114. Amanda Gregory24 July 2014 at 18:43

    We never did this when I was younger or my children were young.

  115. We gave the teacher a box of chocolates

  116. I only gave gifts to my teachers if they were leaving or when I left school

  117. I'd get my little girl to make a handmade thank you card.

  118. I think we gave our teacher homemade cards, but no gifts.

  119. I commented on your Happy 25th birthday Elmer the Patchwork Elephant ! review.

  120. I bought a mug for each teacher & helper - it works out quite expensive! I don't remember my mum buying for my teachers when I was at school

  121. am lucky enough to have my own shop therefore gifts were easy to supply to teachers

  122. Nope, should I ?

    @smeethsaysfashn on twitter

  123. No I don't, I see them getting loads from others. My view is they do their job, they get paid. I do my job and get paid, no one buys me flowers or chocolate for doing my job

  124. I used to when he was in primary school but not now

  125. No. They get paid good money to do a job. They don't buy me presents for doing my job. I appreciate there are a lot of better paid jobs than teachers but they earn a lot more than many people and seem only too eager to strike every year forcing parents to take time off work.

  126. I never gave a gift as a child and I don't encourage my son to either. Although if he wanted to then I would help him to get something.

  127. Yes I gave to my teachers and my kids all gave to their teachers

  128. I always give a gift to the teachers each year, they work so hard each year to achieve the best from our children with very little reward themselves, so it's a small sign of appreciation. We want the best for our children as we do, so it's a small gesture which can mean so much.

  129. We didn't when i was young but the shops are full of it at the mo - the cynic in me wonders if its a marketing ploy

  130. My niece gave her teacher some chocolates.

  131. Yes , my son gave home made cupcakes

  132. Me and my class once bought a box All Gold for my history teacher. It was a lovely gesture of appreciation, she was very touched :)

  133. Always took something in when I was a child and my kids did at primary, my mum was a teacher so got the benefit of helping her eat all the chocolates she got as a child too!

  134. Not this year but at Xmas give a home made cracker

  135. As a general rule we don't give gifts but last year I got a voucher and made brownies for my son's teacher as he had made such an effort to help him improve and he came on leaps and bounds.

  136. No - Never get to close to them

  137. Fat alcoholic teachers love the chocs and wine, but we try to buy a gift at a big discount like during a Thorntons/Hotel Chocolat sale

  138. We gave chocolates and a a thank you plaque

  139. My sons teacher has been a complete battleaxe so bought her some nice hot chilli jam.That'll keep her quiet.

  140. I never gave my teacher anything.

  141. Working in a school as a student I got 4 presents this year out of a class of 30 and the teacher got a lot more than that so I'd say it's definitely a growing trend

  142. gave the school a donation to spend on the staff collectively

  143. Never did when I was at school - i didnt this year but I got my eldest to make a card.

  144. give them a box as chocolates

  145. It wasn't something that was done when I was at school but my son did at Junior school.

  146. Depends on the teacher, although many of them give away the gifts to family members! (Know from experience)

  147. We've given chocolates most years

  148. My 10 year old gave her teacher a personalised slate which she has put outside her classroom. She also gave her favourite teaching assistant a personalised notebook.

  149. sometimes depends on the teacher

  150. No, cash was tight back then as it is now

  151. When I was at school we never gave gifts to the teachers but sometimes my mother would send in some flowers from the garden for the class teacher.My sons don't take in gifts either now

  152. we give a small gift n card n something bigger when the kids leave the school

  153. I think my grandchildren gave their teachers a box of chocolates to share.

  154. Commented again on Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.

  155. I quite often give gifts and cards to my sons nursery

  156. gave my sons teachers presents and made cards with their photo's on

  157. always give teachers presents, I couldn't do their job!

  158. No I didn't as a child but it seems to have become the norm now

  159. My twins are too little for school at 19 months old but I used to be a full time teacher and always appreciated the personal gifts drawings and crafts that the kids made. I still have those in a memory box

  160. never did as a child ,no one was expected to and i guess it's come over from America

  161. Not this year as ive had a very bad experience with my son teachers but hopefully with my son new teacher I will be buying a card and gift

  162. I would give them to my son who has just finished primary school and deserves a treat.
    From @catrionanation

  163. Yes, my kids always gave a small gift, but I don't think I ever did as a child.

  164. We used to give gifts to our teacher on high days and holidays .. but, not just spontanious gifts.
    She often bought gifts for us, though.
    I'd give this prize to all of the teachers to share with their coffee time.

  165. no they get paid for what they do i maybe would if they did something extra that needed notice

  166. Yes, my daughter made her a card and gave her a bracelet

  167. Pam Francis Gregory28 July 2014 at 08:46

    It wasn't the done thing in my day!

  168. I always give my children's teachers and teaching assistants a gift at the end of the school year, it's just a way of thanking them for all their hard work and to let them know that the work and effort they have put in has been appreciated.

  169. Pam Francis Gregory28 July 2014 at 08:50

    I commented on Children's book review : The Apple Tart of Hope - Sarah Moore Fitzgerald

  170. Yes - I bought presents for my children's teachers. It's nice to show some appreciation.

  171. I don't remember giving any of my teachers gifts when I was a child, I think it's more of a recent thing.

  172. We never gave anything when we were younger.

  173. When I was a child we didn't give gifts but I always sent my son with gifts when he was at primary school

  174. My girls made hama bead bookmarks x

  175. My little boy had a 1-2-1 at preschool and we got her a mug and a candle.
    (sam fernley)

  176. I can't remember getting my teachers presents but I probably did, my Mum used to be a teacher and she always used to come home with lots of goodies at the end of term


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