Thursday 22 July 2010

Earth Friendly Baby Organic Mandarin Bubble Bath

Even if Pierre is the baby in the house, I get the distinct feeling that he won't get the chance to use much of this bottle of Earth Friendly Baby Organic Mandarin Bubble Bath because his big sisters seem to have claimed it for themselves ! I can't say I blame them - it smells absolutely divine. It has a delicate natural citrussy scent that leaves your skin smelling absolutely delicious when you jump out of the bath, as well as being very gentle on the most sensitive of skins (even Sophie's).

So it's passed the baby/sensitive skin-friendly test but what about the Earth-friendly claims in their name ? They say : "Dream a little dream of some blissed-out baby pampering and you'll be dreaming of EARTH FRIENDLY BABY – a pure and natural range of affordable, everyday toiletries offering everything mum needs at great value prices. This award winning, eco-friendly range is crammed with ingredients from Mother Nature’s caring bag and has been formulated for babies and their delicate, sensitive skin… so delicious mum won’t be able to resist using them too !" The whole range is not tested on animals and is free of artificial colouring, synthetic fragrance, peanut oil, petroleum by-products and SLS. I'm impressed, and I'm obviously not the only one because it boasts a Mother & Baby Awards silver medal on the label for "Most Eco-friendly product".

The label tells us that the bubble bath contains a blend of organic chamomile, lavender, rosehip, hibiscus, wild bergamot and poppy, but if you look at the list of ingredients, there are some other lovely ingredients, including lemongrass extract, grapefruit oil, tangerine oil and fennel oil. My guess is, they just ran out of room on the front of the bottle and couldn't list them all !

As this is labelled as "fun time" bubble bath, it makes lots of zesty bubbles that will clean your little one's skin as he splashes in the bath. Baby (and big sisters !) have lovely soft, moisturised skin and a delicate fruity fragrance that lingers until bedtime.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £5.99 for 370ml

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