Monday 5 July 2010

Nakd Wildly Different Fruit-Infused Raisins

- "Mum, can I have some sweets ?"
- "Well, you could ... but do you want some raisins instead ?"
- "Yeeeeeeees, Sophie, quick - Mum said we can have some of those funny raisins" !

Yes, this is a genuine conversation from this morning, believe it or not ! The girls were all excited about tasting some more of the Wildly Different fruit-infused raisins from Nakd. They come in four flavours – Cherry, Orange, Lemon, & Pineapple - and the only problem was deciding which ones to taste first !

As you can see from the photos, they went down well with 8-year-old Sophie, 5-year-old Juliette and even 1-year-old Pierre ! The hamster cheeks in the photo below are because he's just pushed a whole handful in his mouth in one go ! I kept a very close eye on him, just in case he choked, but he ate them with no problem at all, despite only having two teeth !

As I mum, I love them for many reasons. Firstly, it's great to find a snack that appeals to all three kids that I can stash in my handbag without worrying about them leaking or melting everywhere. Secondly, they are 100% natural and contain no added sugar or anything artificial. Thirdly, the little 25g sachets are perfect for kiddie-sized snacks or school lunch boxes and can be eaten with no mess. Fourthly, they count as a portion towards your five-a-day. And finally, the kids love them just as much as sweets and don't seem to realise they're a much healthier option. Sold !

As they point out on the Nakd website, they are also high in fibre, help balance blood sugar levels and are rich in antioxidants. Having had a sneaky taste when the kids weren't looking, I can also tell you they taste great. One 25g bag only contains 75 calories so they're great for nibbling in front of the telly. I also want to try them out in cooking as I'm sure they'd add a new dimension to raisin cookies and flapjacks - yummm !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : 39p in Sainsbury's or you can buy in bulk on the Natural Balance Foods website :

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