Monday 30 August 2010

New For One pasta sauces from Loyd Grossman

At the start of the summer, I was sent some jars of Loyd Grossman pasta sauces to review (review here) and they went down really well with the whole family (except for the girls not liking the spiciness of the Tomato & Chilli one). I was impressed with the taste, high quality ingredients and sheer convenience of the sauces that allowed you to prepare a delicious, seemingly homecooked meal in minutes with no effort at all.

Well, he's gone one better on the convenience front and has now released a range of sauces "For One", featuring six of the pasta sauces recipes that you can also buy in jars. There have been huge campaigns about the importance of getting back to the table and all sitting down together to eat as a family but, try as you might, it isn't always possible. If your other half has a working lunch or your kids are invited to stay to tea at their friends' house or you finally manage to grab a lunch break somewhere around mid-afternoon, the chances are you'll eat a load of junk. I know I can never be bothered to cook properly when it's just for me so I normally end up eating something uninspiring like a slice of toast or a packet of crisps !

Now, with these handy For One pouches of sauce, I can serve up a nutritious and tasty meal in as long as it takes to throw a slice of bread under the grill because they can be microwaved in just 45 seconds. Yes, OK, you'll need to cook some pasta but if you use the fresh stuff straight from the fridge or, in our house, more likely left over cooked spaghetti from the day before, that will only take a couple of minutes too.

The pouches show arty black and white photos of Loyd sniffing herbs, tasting sauces and grinding pepper so you won't feel like a saddo eating a miserable ready-meal-for-one - you can enjoy the gastronomical delights of Loyd's carefully-crafted sauces just for you. Go on, you deserve it !

The new range For One includes six Italian classics: Tomato and Chilli, Carbonara, Tomato and Basil, Puttanesca, Tomato and Smoky Bacon and Tomato and Roasted Garlic. The Tomato & Basil and Tomato & Chilli had already got the thumbs up when we sampled the jars but I can now tell you that the Carbonara is delicious too. I make my own with bacon, onions and crème fraîche but this recipe, using double cream and smooth mascarpone cheese infused with smoked pancetta, is absolutely heavenly.

Loyd Grossman comments: “I wanted to create a range that allows busy people a quick and simple way to enjoy their favourite Italian pasta meals even when just cooking for one. From the rich carbonara to the lively puttanesca, the new range brings together well balanced flavours and quality ingredients in a handy little pouch for those meal times when you’re cooking for one.” Well done Loyd, anyone who's ever eaten a tin of ravioli by themselves because they don't think it's worth cooking for one salutes you !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £1.29

click here for some delicious and innovative recipes using the For One pouches

Other reviews you might be interested in :

Loyd Grossman Cooking Sauces
Some recipes for you to try with Loyd Grossman For One Sauces
Garofalo Pasta
Sacla Italian Tomato & Olive Stir Through Sauce
Easy Tasty Italian - Laura Santtini

1 comment:

  1. just had the carbonara sauce! delicious and inspired eating and living alone all too often means waste()or fiddly bit in freezer) this was more than enough with plenty left in the dish to mop up with garlic bread hmm not wat shall i try next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
