Wednesday 8 September 2010

Nuby No Spill Flip It Flexi-Straw trainer cup

When we were in Turkey this summer, Pierre discovered our hotel's speciality of Blue Sprite ! Rest assured, fizzy drinks are strictly off the menu again now we're back home but sometimes, when we'd run out of water and it was really hot and the girls were drinking next to him, he wanted a sneaky sip from their glass. We therefore discovered that he could drink from a straw - albeit taking so much into his mouth each time that we had to grab the straw away from him every 3 seconds to prevent a waterfall cascading down his front !

Once home, the Blue Sprite has disappeared but the straw has stayed. He happily sips away on the apple juice in the girls Happy Meals if we go to McDonalds and is getting better at making less mess. I therefore decided to introduce him to the Nuby Flip-it sippy cup, which is - according to the packaging - the UK's No 1 Best Selling Flip-It.

It's basically a big 14oz (420ml) sippy cup - or should that be flippy cup ?! - with a soft silicone straw in place of the usual spout. It has a built-in valve which prevents water from coming out if you tip it upside down or knock it over - an absolute must for any sippy cup in my view. The name Flip-It comes from the fact that it has a little sliding panel that you can move across to hide the straw and seal the cup, thereby keeping it nice and clean and hygienic if it's kicking around in the bottom of your bag or rolling around on the floor ! It's quite hard to move for little fingers so you'll need to do the "flipping" - which presumably explains the 18m+ age guide on the label.

The straw itself is really easy to drink from because as soon as you put your mouth on it, the valve opens and allows water through when you suck. Unfortunately, your little one will probabaly realise that the same happens if they squeeze it with their fingers so be prepared for some spillages or resign yourself to a bit of educational water play on the high chair tray ! Fortunately, if you don't fill it right up, it's impossible to get water out if you turn it upside down anyway so your cheeky little monkeys can try as hard as they like, it just ain't happening !

As you can see, 14-month-old Pierre initially tried to tip it up, as you would with a normal sippy cup, and it took a few attempts for him to realise that you need to keep it up the right way parallel to the body and actually suck, but he soon got to grips with it. The chunky cup has a narrower "waist" which makes it easy for him to hold on to - although I would have liked it to have handles to make it even easier. I love the generous 420ml size which means I'm not constantly running off to fill it up and I'm sure we won't run out if we go out for a walk.

Pierre is currently teething and unfortunately likes to use the straw as a teether. Now that he's already got 6 teeth, that's pretty rough on soft spouts and straws so I can already see a few signs of wear and tear on the end of the straw. The good news is that you can just replace the straw without buying a whole new sippy cup so that's great news for the planet as well as your pocket !

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £3.99

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