Tuesday 26 October 2010

Bloco Horses and Unicorns Building Set

Now, I know a lot of people hate manufacturers mentioning or marketing gender-specific toys and there is nothing at all to say that Lego and Meccano are just for boys but, in my experience - both as a girl myself and as mum to two daughters - those kinds of building sets just aren't appealing to girls in the same way as they are to boys. I don't know if it's down to the product itself or the way it's marketed but building sets only seem to light up the eyes of little boys - and their dads !

Well, a huge round of applause for Bloco who have created this very girlie Horses and Unicorns building set that I just knew both Sophie and Juliette would love. Not just because of the pink box but because of the very cute creatures that can be created. The box is labelled as a 6-in-1 toy and they give you pictures and instructions to show you how to build six creatures - Horse, Filly, Unicorn, Decorated Horse, Decorated Filly and, you've guessed it, Decorated Unicorn - but the whole point of Bloco (and indeed any building set) is that you can and should let your imagination run wild and create your own unique designs. They give you a few pointers on the website - "Many accessories are included such as a saddle, blanket, mane and bridle to enhance the playing experience. The filly can be mounted on cradles to create a rocking horse." - but the rest is up to you and your creativity.

Bloco is made of high density non-toxic foam pieces which slot together in any number of ways or can be fitted together with plastic connectors which also allow you to move them into the exact pose or facial expression you want. It is quite fiddly, which explains the 6-12 suggested age range on the box, but once you've got the hang of it, you're guaranteed hours of fun. You can build flat or articulated models and combine different Bloco playsets if you want to create some really wild and wacky creatures (which you can then add to the gallery online and have your five minutes of fame !).

I think I had as much fun as the girls and I'll definitely be adding some more Bloco sets to the collection to allow a wider scope of creativity.

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £24.99

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