Saturday 30 October 2010

BONFIRE Guide to having safe fun, courtesty of Nelsons Natural Healthcare

If you're planning on having a bonfire or fireworks at home this Novembrer 5th, here's a quick reminder of some important safety guidelines, courtesy of Nelsons Natural Healthcare, to ensure you have safe fun on the night. Last year, 533 children went to A&E on Bonfire Night with burns being the most common injury. Make sure your children aren't one of the sad statistics this year.

The BONFIRE Guide to having safe fun

Burns are one of the most common injuries around the 5th November and Nelsons Burn Cream can help to provide natural first aid relief for minor burns and scalds. It is a traditional herbal remedy that can help relieve pain, prevent blistering and help to heal minor burns and scalds.

On the night, wrap up warm !The Full Monty were right to urge you to 'Keep your hat on' as 70% of your body heat passes through your head ! A hat, scarf, gloves and thick socks will help you stay warm in the freezing temperatures.

Never leave children unattended when around sparklers or fireworks.

Frightened animals - animals on Bonfire Night get extremely scared with the loud bangs so make sure your pets are indoors.

If you light a firework and it doesn't go off, do not return to relight it as it might be faulty or just taking longer to burn.

Remember, the end of a sparkler is very hot. Do not touch the end even after it has gone out. It is a good idea to place sparklers straight into a bucket of cold water or sand and leave until the morning.

Ensure you have a fun but safe time !


Nelsons Burn Cream is priced at £4.55 for 30g and is available from Holland & Barrett, Tesco Pharmacy, Waitrose and all good independent health food and pharmacy stores.

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