Saturday 2 October 2010

Book review : Century of Scandal

As you'll know if you're a regular reader of this blog, I like nothing better than settling down with a good novel. But I also have a deep dark secret. I'm a bit of a closet gossip mag fiend too ! Even if I know that half of it is totally made up, I'm still a sucker for catching up with the latest celeb mishaps and dodgy photos. After seeing so many airbrushed perfectly-made up beauties on screen, I think it's nice to see that they're human too and aren't any better than us lesser mortals on their off days!

Century of Scandal is a bit of a compromise between the two. It's a big, serious-looking hardback book but it is jam-packed full of tales of indiscretions, slip-ups and shocking behaviour of those in the public eye. The contents page gives an idea of the sex & drugs & rock 'n' roll-type scandals that will be revealed, with chapter titles such as Generation Sex, A Web of Lies and Money Makes The World Go Round. There is the perfect blend of contemporary shockers, such as Kurt Cobain, Bill Clinton and Princess Diana, and historical scandals, including Watergate, King Edward & Mrs Simpson and Rasputin.

Although I was at least vaguely aware of most of the scandals that the book deals with, I did learn lots of titillating titbits and fascinating facts that I had never heard and that I will be able to use to fuel many a girlie gossip or boring dinner party in the future !

I love the huge amount of photos and newspaper reproductions that really give you a feel for the shockwaves that hit the nation or even the world as the events transpired. Some of the highly scandalous events of the past wouldn't raise a single eyebrow these days so it's enlightening to get an insight into the morals and the mindset of the time.

Despite its size, it's a very easy, quick book to read because it is so picture-heavy so everyone, even reluctant readers, will enjoy dipping into it to snigger and reminisce about the things that made the general public go ooh ! It doesn't go into a huge amount of detail or analysis but it gives a good overview of a hundred years of celebs behaving badly.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £18.99

Hardcover: 224 pages

Publisher: J H Haynes & Co Ltd (4 Feb 2010)

Language English

ISBN-10: 1844259501

ISBN-13: 978-1844259502

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