Sunday 24 October 2010

Limited edition Spooky Puffs breakfast cereal

The Halloween witches, ghosts and ghouls will soon be out in force - or at least the local kids dressed up as witches, ghosts and ghouls ! Yes, love it or loathe it, trick or treating will be top of the "to do" list of anyone under the age of 14 next Sunday. You have been warned !

Well, you can now get into the spirit (the ghostly spirit ?!) of things by grabbing a box of the limited edition Halloween-themed Spooky Puffs breakfast cereal next time you go shopping. The makers, Honey Monster Foods, explain : "A horrifying twist on classic Sugar Puffs, the new limited edition cereal contains gruesome fruit flavoured ghost shapes for that extra ‘treat’ at the breakfast table." Well, that's the treat but what about the trick ? Aha, they've got all bases covered ! "Released in time for Halloween, Spooky Puffs are so frightening that they even turn the milk a paler shade of white !" Get ready to watch your kids trying to see the milk change colour - they really will !

The girls loved the fruity spook shapes and the funny picture of the Honey Monster looking scared on the box ! I love the fact that they are marketed as "low in fat, salt and a great source of fibre". Hmmm no mention of sugar but this is a kids' cereal after all and bearing in mind the original product's name is Sugar Puffs, you know what's in them when you buy them !

They're surely not the healthiest breakfast option out there but they are very tasty, according to the girls, and they contain more fibre and nutrients than the trick-or-treat goodies the kids will all be eating for the next few days ! They're perfect to get into the Halloween mood and if you're worried about your kids eating sugary cereal in the morning, as they're limited edition, you can rest assured that you can switch back to porridge or wholemeal toast when the box is empty ! I personally don't think they're any worse than the other kids' breakfast cereals on the market and I'm happy to overlook a bit of a sugar rush in the morning if it gets them off to school with full tummies !

This is the third limited edition Honey Monster cereal (after Choco Puffs and Banana Puffs) so I can't wait to see what they come up with at Christmas !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £1.99

available to buy from Asda and Tesco

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1 comment:

  1. How did i not see these??? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween!!
