Wednesday 13 October 2010

Silver Spoon Cakecraft

**** UPDATE : click here to see the photos of our baking extravaganza ! ***

Here at the Madhouse, we absolutely love baking, even if the kitchen always looks like a bombsite afterwards ! When the lovely Emma from Silver Spoon asked us if we'd like to try out some of their edible decorations, we couldn't believe our luck ! We've just spent the entire afternoon in the kitchen baking up lots of goodies and decorating them. Unfortunately, we're having problems with our computer at the moment and it won't recognise our camera so you'll have to wait until we can upload photos again to show you what we made !

In the meantime, I can tell you about all the Cakecraft goodies we tested out. They're brilliant for spending a fun afternoon baking with the kids and if you give them (pretty much !) free reign, you'll be amazed at what they come up with. Do our cakes look like they've been made by professional cakemakers ? No ! Do they taste good ? yes ! And did the kids have fun ? They certainly did, so that's all that matters !

 First up, we tried out that old classic, food colouring. We got red, blue and black, which is perfect for making scary Halloween treats, but it also comes in pink, yellow and green. Apart from the blue and green, they are all made with natural colours - Vegetable Carbon for black, Carmines for pink, Carmines and Curcumin for red and Lutein for yellow. The plastic bottles are great for little fingers because they won't smash if they get dropped (although they will still make a mess, trust me !) and the dropper lid makes it really easy to dose out just the right amount. If you knew the number of times Juliette has complained because she wanted pink icing, not red, you'd know how important this is !

We also got the chance to test out the Designer Icing kits, which come as a tube with three different nozzles, allowing you to experiment with a variety of textures when you ice your cupcakes and cookies. I averted a minor disaster by minutes this morning when I saw Juliette headed for the bathroom with the black designer icing, convinced it was a tube of ttothpaste. It would have been funny though - I was almost tempted not to tell her ! I let the girls do their own thing with this so they didn't go beyond doodling smiley faces and dots and squiggles but, in the hands of a competent grown-up, you could make some seriously impressive designs with this kit.
And last but not least, we had great fun with the Chocolate Letters and Numbers. The packaging says they're "perfect for personalising your cakes and desserts" and first of all, the girls wanted to put their names or at least their initials on the cakes they'd made to claim them as their own ! After I said we'd share them all out fairly, even with Pierre and Daddy who hadn't made any (you really think I'd let him get away with not eating blue cupcakes ?!), they decided to write more complicated messages - but you'll have to wait to see the photos to see what our message was ! A few of the letters had got broken in transit but absolutely none of them broke when I pressed them out of the little trays, which I was impressed with. There are 96 letters and numbers so most messages should be possible.

Oh, I almost forgot, we also had a tub of Coloured Choco Beans to test too, which are basically glammed-up Smarties. After sticking some on our cakes, I told the girls they could eat one each. Juliette looked at me in wide-eyed horror and told me "But Mummy, they're for putting on the cakes, not for eating" ! Oops, that's me told then !!

We had a fabulous time making all our beautiful (in the eyes of a mummy !) goodies and I'm sure we'll have even more fun showing them to Daddy when he gets home from work and eventually eating them !

star rating : 5/5

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