Thursday 23 December 2010

Ella's Kitchen - Organic Stage 3 Baby Food Pouches

Pierre has tried loads of different baby food brands since he's started weaning, including several organic ones, but when I opened the Seriously Comforting Cottage Pie (with a pinch of cinnamon) pouch from Ella's Kitchen, this is the first time that I have actually said that it looks totally homemade. Looks, smells and even tastes, which I can vouch for because I had a quick taste myself, which shows how appetising it looks, even to a grown-up ! It has less salt than an adult palate would usually be used to but apart from that, it tastes exactly like my homemade cottage pie which I find really reassuring. (Apart from the added cinnamon, which I'm not too keen on, but Pierre didn't seem to mind !)

Now aged 17 months, Pierre has actually started turning his nose up at a lot of shop-bought baby food because he wants to eat the same food as us. Sometimes that's not possible though, either because we're in too much of a rush or because we're eating something too spicy or unhealthy ! I was amazed to see that he wolfed down his cottage pie with no resistance at all, but having seen the large chunks of carrot, peas and sweet potato, I'm hardly surprised.

The packaging says it's "nicely chunky 'n' lumpy" and shows a cute "teeth are made for chewing" logo, as well as the impressive Soil Association Organic seal of approval. The pouches - which are really practical because you can heat them in the microwave - are a generous size so Pierre didn't finish off the entire pouch. Both big sisters volunteered to finish off the rest of the plateful though (and even wanted to try it before he had finished) !

The other recipes available for the stage 3 toddler age range (10 months plus) are Super Scrummy Salmon Risotto (with a pinch of cheese), Totally Cool Caribbean Chicken (with mangoes) and Perfectly Pleasing Tomato-y Pasta (with plenty of veg). The recipes appeal to Pierre but also to mums and dads, because they are packed full of nutritious organic ingredients with no hidden nasties. They are certainly the most similar to homecooked food that I have found in shop-bought jars or pouches.

Huge thumbs up from the whole family, not just Pierre !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £1.67 (on Ocado)

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