Sunday 6 February 2011

Vertbaudet Girls Reversible Padded Jacket

Juliette was overjoyed today to receive a funky new coat to test - and I absolutely love the clever design too. From a mum's point of view, I absolutely LOVE the fact that the matching scarf and mittens are securely attached to the coat itself with press studs. No more lost scarves or last minute panics before heading off to school because one of the gloves has gone missing !

From 6-year-old (almost - it's her birthday next week !) Juliette's point of view, it's pink (but it does come in other colours too) ... and it's got hearts on it ... and you can turn it inside out and have another new coat to show off to your friends at school ! We went outside to the park to play today, despite the icy wind, and she stayed lovely and warm. The length of the coat, just above the knees, is also perfect because it means the coat doesn't get in the way of her legs when she's running, jumping, climbing and all those other things kids that age love to do ! The hood is the perfect size and stayed up despite the strong wind.

It is easy to do up for little fingers because there is a zip and press studs (so they'll manage one or the other, if they have problems on their own at school !). I hadn't actually noticed but, according to the write-up on the Vertbaudet website, press-stud pockets are concealed inside the cuffs to store the mittens (from 2 to 5 years) or gloves (from 6 to 8 years).

 It's all these little added extras that leave me totally convinced that this coat has been designed by a mum. In terms of functionality and funkiness, it is the perfect coat in my opinion - and Juliette agrees with me too !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £39-£42 (available in size 2-8 years)

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