Monday 26 September 2011

Please vote for my crazy pink cake !

I hardly ever enter voting competitions but this one really made me smile and I had the perfect photo to use, so if you could possibly click through and "like" my photo, that would be fabulous. At the moment, I have 9 likes and the one in the lead has 10 so your click really could make all the difference !

Please click through here and "like" the photo. It's a birthday cake that the girls made for me "all by themselves", using a sachet of cake mix mixed in with red food colouring, lots of ready-to-eat sugar dough (which is basically edible modeeling clay !) and above all lots of imagination. I've never ever had another birthday cake quite like it (and I think that's probably a good thing !!)

Thanks in advance - if I win, I get a week's worth of breakfast goodies !


  1. I'll vote for u Hun but how?


  2. Click on the link where it says "here" and click on "like" under the photo of the pink cake - thanks :)

  3. Ah ha! Couldn't see the little link on my iPhone - hehe!

    All done - think u have 16 likes now! :)

  4. All done, Cheryl! All the best!

  5. Great cake, have voted. Hope you win :-)
