Friday 20 January 2012

Thinking Slimmer SlimPod & MuTu System Week 2 update

This week has been an absolute failure for the MuTu System and it wasn't even my fault. Now before you start smirking and saying "yeah yeah, pull the other one, it's got bells on", it really wasn't my fault. Honestly ! My internet connection has been patchy, to say the least, for the last few weeks (I think it's a problem with the phone line because that keeps crackling too) so when I tried to download this week's video - the one where Wendy warns us that we start getting serious and sweaty - the internet connection kept dropping before I got to the end. I eventually decided to give that up and watch it online instead but that wasn't working either because the connection would drop and the video would stop so I couldn't get past the first minute of the video. Aaaggghhh !

But I've decided to stay positive. You'll notice that the title of this post is week 2. Well, it should have been week 3 but I've just done a fortnight of week 2 instead and I'll start week 3 next week instead. No feeling guilty and beating myself up. No thinking "well, I've blown it now and I might as well give up and eat an entire family size bar of Galaxy and drink a bottle of Baileys" ! And I think that is actually down to the Thinking Slimmer mindset that the SlimPod has given me, because the phrase that kept popping into my head when I couldn't get the video to work was "anything more than nothing is something". I may not have got sweaty but I have been doing the daily core exercises. Yes, they're easy peasy and it won't be enough to make a difference but it's a start. Onwards and upwards !

So, what does week 2 of the MuTu System bring ? Well, it's still nice and gentle with six moves to do each day, a promise to drink more water, cut out the refined/processed foods as much as possible and walk 15-20 minutes per day. No problem !

I've been choosing fruit for dessert and picking salads as starters every day at the school canteen without a second's thought - that's the SlimPod effect again. Weight-wise, no change at all which I'll call a positive as I'm back to my pre-Christmas weight so a total 4kg loss so far. I've upped the ante by adding in the "Keep weightloss going" and "Make fitness fun and easy" SlimPods which I'll make a concerted effort to listen to every night, while still listening to the original "drop a jeans size" SlimPod on my mp3 player on the bus to work in the morning.

I've now successfully downloaded and watched my week 3 video - yay ! - so I'm raring to go next week. Speak to you in a week with the next update !

*** STOP PRESS ! Until the end of January, you can use code 2012SAVEIT to get 20% off all SlimPods at *** 
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  1. You know you can see the workouts in your manual too... so while you get your connection sorted out, you could still do them!! ;) Make sure you're focussing on the right muscles in those daily core exercises - they play an important role... but you need to get sweaty too to shape & tone!

    1. Umm that's very true, didn't think of that *doh* ! Video 3 is downloaded, watched and ready to go for next week now anyway ! :)

  2. Read a bit about Thinking Slimmer - will be interested to hear about your progress.

  3. congrats I am doing thinking slimmer and now I am wanting to start running so going to start the couch to 5k with

    Good luck

    1. Ooh well done you ! Let us all know how it goes ! :)

  4. Well done on getting back to your pre-Christmas weight.

  5. i repeated a few weeks too, well done and there's lots of us here to help if you get stuck/flaky/need support. i'm doing mine again after the christmas naughties. @mummylion

  6. I'll be looking forward to see how you get on as the weeks go by. I like the mental element of this plan. I've always thought losing weight is about changing your attitude to food and eating. I'm on my own journey!

  7. Well done for sticking with it! Hope it carries on going well :)
    I have entered a comp to win one of these slimpods so fingers crossed as I could definitely use it!

  8. will be interested to hear about your progress.

    1. Click on the "weight loss" label and you'll see all the weekly weigh in posts :)
