Sunday 23 September 2012

Cravendale Epic Straws Challenge

When Britmums mentioned that Cravendale were looking for people to take up their Epic Straw Challenge, I thought it sounded like a fun project for the Madhouse Mini-testers to get involved in. A little while later, these intriguing packets arrived in the post. Inside were a variety of different lengths of tubing and joints that could be fitted together to create a straw that resembles a Scalextric track. Definitely epic !

In the blue corner, we have Pierre and Madhouse Nanny trying out The Cereal Snaffler !

In the red corner, Juliette and Madhouse Grandad doing The Bottle Burglar ! 

As the grandparents settled down to the serious business of fitting together the tubes and joints, Pierre decided to make a pair of devil's horns, or maybe they're antlers ?

While Juliette came up with a wonky handlebars moustache ! 

Madhouse Nanny definitely seems to be taking this more seriously than Pierre ! 

Juliette got involved in the construction process though and did a great job.

Pierre was very impressed with the finished straw !

Especially when he tried it out with a glass of milk and saw that it really worked ! 

Juliette loved the loop the loops on her straw ! 

Then we decided to join the two together for a truly Epic Straw ! You need a lot of suction power to get the milk through that one, I can tell you !

Thanks to Britmums and Cravendale for keeping us amused on a rainy Sunday afternoon !

Make sure you head over to the mysterious website tomorrow when all will apparently be revealed !

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  1. never thought to join the two together as such. ours broke down the original and redesigned a new one with 2 ends for glasses and 2 sucking ends and had a race to see who drunk their juice first. It made for a fun afternoon thats for sure

    1. It was perfect for a rainy Sunday afternoon, that's for sure !

  2. I love the moustache and the horns :)

    1. Love it when kids let their imaginations run wild and do unexpected things like that !

  3. wow I did not realise they were so much fun; we are collecting the tokens for it, so looks like will be busy once it arrives.
