Thursday 20 September 2012

Picture book review : The Giant's Loo Roll - Nicholas Allan

Loo Roll. The presence of those words in the title is all that was required for 3-year-old Pierre and 7-year-old Juliette to be in fits of giggles already. But I have to admit, I wasn't far behind ! I have just discovered my favourite opening lines for a children's book EVER ! I challenge you to read the opening rhyme with a straight face ! :

 "A giant's toilet roll one day
Fell to the floor and flew away.
'Oh, Fe, Fi, Fo!
and Fe, Fi, Fum!
Now what shall I do to wipe my ...'

The Madhouse Mini-testers were already squealing "bum" in fits of laughter but when you turn the page, it continues :
"BUM-pety! Bumpety!
It rolls down the hill
with a thumpety-thump!"

Pure genius ! Nicholas Allan deserves a knighthood for that one !

The giggles and squeals as they discovered other "rude" things, like paper pants and someone having a wee in the giant's toilet, led to much merriment that was totally infectious. This is the bedtime story that I always choose because we're guaranteed to dissolve into hysterics before the end of the story, however many times we've read it !

We first discovered Nicholas Allan's irreverent but child-friendly sense of humour when we reviewed The Queen's Knickers but The Giant's Loo Roll has now ousted that one as the new Madhouse favourite book of the moment ! It's absolutely brilliant as a cure for a stressful day at work or the beginnings of a tantrum so every parent should definitely buy this book, as long as you don't mind a slightly cheeky sense of humour !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £5.99

  • Paperback: 32 pages
  • Publisher: Red Fox (7 Jun 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1849415021
  • ISBN-13: 978-1849415026
  • Product Dimensions: 28.8 x 23.4 x 1.2 cm

Disclosure : We received a review copy of the book.

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Picture book review : The Queen's Knickers - Nicholas Allan

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