Wednesday 2 January 2013

Stuffed Turkey Paupiettes with Aunt Bessie's Pork, Sage & Shallot Stuffing Tray

You may remember a little while ago I took part in BritMum's #HalfTermLinkyChallenge with Aunt Bessie's, in which all participants received some vouchers for Aunt Bessie's products. I decided to use one to try out their Pork, Sage & Shallot Stuffing Tray, mainly because it was half price in Sainsbury's so only cost £1 ! It looked tasty in the shop but, once I got it home, I couldn't decide what to do with it. The packaging suggests popping it in the oven for 40 minutes from frozen and using it as the perfect accompaniment to a special roast meal, but I decided to use it as stuffing, either for vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, ...) or chicken breasts so I defrosted it. Well, Madhouse Daddy Mike went shopping this morning and came back with turkey fillets so I decided to use those to make Stuffed Turkey Paupiettes.

Turkey fillets are bigger than chicken fillets so folding up a portion of stuffing was easier, but you could use chicken or even bacon or pancetta if you've had enough of poultry!

A quick sprinkle of barbecue seasoning over the top and they were ready to go in the oven for 40 minutes while I sorted out the risotto that I was serving it with.

They kept their shape really well and the flavours perfectly complemented each other. The stuffing also helped prevent the turkey fillets from drying out. It's definitely something I'll be making again and, despite  being really quick and simple to make, it looks impressive enough to serve at a dinner party too.

for more information :

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1 comment:

  1. This looks a great recipe. Definitely going to try this.
