Tuesday 1 January 2013

Ella's Kitchen Chilled Desserts review

Earlier in the year, Ella's Kitchen released a new range of chilled toddler-friendly desserts, on sale in Tesco's, comprising Smooth & Scrummy Fromage Frais, Chilled Out Thick & Fruity Yoghurt and Teeny Weeny Rice Pudding. They sent through some vouchers for us to try them out but, however hard we looked, we could never find them in our local Tesco stores. This week, I checked through my money-off vouchers to see which ones needed using up by the 31st December, came across the vouchers and - success ! - finally managed to locate them. 

The range is totally in-keeping with the "no hidden nasties" ethos behind the Ella's Kitchen brand. They say : "Ella’s dairy range was especially designed to help mums + dads introduce dairy into their little ones’ diet. We’ve listened to what you really want and created products which will help at every stage of the weaning journey and include JUST yummy organic natural ingredients." The Madhouse Mini-Testers couldn't wait to try them out.

Even Sophie and Juliette, aged 7 and 11, wanted to try them out too ! The Smooth & Scrummy Fromage Frais comes in a pack of 6 x 55g pots (3 mango and 3 banana), is suitable for stage 1 weaning from 6 months and is made of "100% fromage frais + fruit puree blend, 0% other stuff". Each pot contains 48 calories. The Teeny Weeny Rice Pudding with a Hint of Vanilla is the stage 2 option (from 7 months) and comes in 2 x 60g pots. The only ingredients are 91% whole milk, 7% rice, 1% egg and less than 1% vanilla, all of which is organic. Each pot contains 52 calories. Stage 3 weaning (12 months +) opens up the option of the Chilled Out Thick & Fruity Yoghurt which comes as 4 x 85g (2 x pineapple & mango, 2 x strawberry & pear), made of 100% yoghurt, fruit puree blend and honey. The pineapple & mango flavour has 82 calories per pot and the strawberry & pear has 74 calories per pot.

All three of the Madhouse Mini-testers had the same reaction. They liked them initially but turned their noses up after half a pot. I had a taste and instantly knew why - they are much less sweet than most other yogurts that you find in the supermarket. I added a sprinkle of sugar and they happily polished off the rest and asked for more. I know that this rather defeats the object of there being no added sugar or hidden nasties but, as they are much older than the target audience, they have had their taste buds corrupted by the sweeter yogurts that they are used to. Babies who are getting their first taste of yogurt, fromage frais or rice pudding will be none the wiser and probably be quite happy to eat them without added sweetness.

I love the fact that they are 100% organic with nothing artificial added (even if I did add a small amount of sugar myself).

star rating : 4/5

RRP : yogurt £2 for 4, rice pudding £1 for 2, fromage frais £2 for 6

for more information : http://www.ellaskitchen.co.uk/

Disclosure : I received some vouchers for Ella's Kitchen chilled range in order to write an honest review.

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1 comment:

  1. I think they are good for babies, but Eddie wasn't keen on the rice pudding, he prefers the Rachel's organic rice pudding, and I tend to agree with him, it is very moreish.
