Monday 15 April 2013

Are you celebrating St George's Day?

ASDA just sent through their suggestions for things to serve for St George's Day next week which made me think, hmmmm I didn't even realise it WAS St George's Day ! I often blog special Irish recipes for St Patrick's Day, Welsh ones for St David's Day and Scottish ones for Burns Night but I always totally bypass St George's Day which is crazy, as I'm English ! So ASDA suggest crumpets, bangers and mash and a traditional roast dinner (which I do every week anyway). Any other bright ideas for a classic English dish I can cook in honour of St George's Day? Maybe I should attempt the fabulous dragon cake over at Cake Photos Life? (Slightly out of my league !) There's always the option of a full English breakfast (but for lunch, not breakfast !). Or maybe I'll make the kids laugh by producing Spotted Dick and custard !

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  1. Thank you so much :) Fish and chips with mushy peas, make your own fish cakes and get the kids to help xxx

    1. I have to admit, I've never eaten mushy peas in my life !! lol

  2. We have a St.George's day tradition where we decorate iced buns with a red cross. Going to make from scratch this year.

    1. Ooh that sounds like a great idea, and one the kids could get involved with :)

  3. This year I am going to celebrate St George's Day. These are some really good ideas. I wish we had more celebrations for it. Sausages and mash definitely.

  4. I don't think I celebrated as a child and sadly that has continued

  5. Scones with clotted cream and jam? Quintessentially English cucumber sandwiches?
