Friday 26 April 2013

What's Cooking at the Madhouse next week? Menu Plan 26/4

Back to school again - boo hiss ! - so it's back to just planning evening meals. I'll be tired out as I get back into routine so it'll be falling back on old classic dishes that I can cook with my eyes closed.


lunch - a trip to McDonalds sp the kids can run around in the soft play area - seafood salad for me

dinner - cottage pie


lunch - the classic Sunday roast, with leftover broc-cauli cheese

dinner - whoever is hungry will nibble on soup, porridge, cereal or a sandwich


dinner - Beetroot Risotto with something - bacon? pork chops? depends on what's in the freezer


dinner - Endives au gratin : Chicory wrapped in ham and smothered in cheese sauce


dinner - Spaghetti carbonara


dinner - Mexican Chicken with potato wedges


dinner - a big salad or bagels

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

1 comment:

  1. Planning meals is a genius idea, mind if I steal it :) It will save me time and money because I won't be buying the stuff I don't need. And your weeks plan sound delicious by the way
