Wednesday 26 June 2013

Three last-minute vegetarian dinners

Yikes, is that the time?! Preparing a delicious meal is always difficult but it’s especially challenging when the clock is ticking. If you’re vegetarian or you’re trying to cut down on meat then the task at hand can sometimes feel a little harder.

Fortunately there are plenty of choices available to you – here are three of our favourites.

Pasta bolognese

This traditional Italian dish has become a mainstay of kitchens across the world, and for good reason. It’s delicious, straightforward and doesn’t take up much time.

Start by chopping some onions (you’ll want about one for each adult, and half for each child) and frying them in a low-heat sizzling pan. We recommend using extra virgin olive oil. Add some crushed garlic (about one clove per person) and sprinkle with sea-salt and cracked black pepper.

Let the vegetables simmer for about 8 minutes while occasionally stirring. After that, add in two cans of chopped tomatoes and continue to stir until the mixture loses a lot of moisture and becomes thicker. At this point you can add some chopped olives, peppers and basil or even some veggie mince.

Serve over pasta with a sprinkling of mature cheddar cheese to finish it off. Delicious!

Potato wedges with honey sausages

This one is a treat and is sure to get people talking. Take some baking potatoes (1 for each child and about 1.5 for each adult) and chop them up into small wedge shapes. Leaving the skins on, put them into a large plastic bowl and add paprika, oregano, salt, pepper and a generous spoonful of green pesto. Pour on some extra virgin olive oil, cover the bowl with a large plate and give it a good shake for several minutes.

Pop the wedges in the oven on oiled silver foil and let them cook for about 20 minutes on 180°C. Meanwhile, start frying several veggie sausages – once these are cooked all the way through, add a large spoonful of honey to the pan and allow the sausages to soak up the flavour. Serve together with the potato wedges – you won’t regret it!


Alternatively, if you’re really short on time, a takeaway can be a delicious option too. There are plenty of gourmet versions now available so if you want something a little more indulgent than fish and chips why not look into Food Delivery Restaurants. If you’re unsure of which ones are available in your local area then browse around Just eat’s website.

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