Sunday 18 August 2013

Holiday Postcard Competition - Our Magical Holiday Memory from Morocco

We've just got back from a fortnight in Morocco (I bet you hadn't even noticed I'd gone, thanks to the wonders of modern technology and scheduled posts !) so when I saw that Travel Supermarket were hosting a new competition, asking bloggers to share one of their favourite magical holiday memories to make a special holiday postcard, I instantly knew what to blog about.

The totally surreal moment last week when we rounded a bend on a twisty, almost deserted mountain road in the Atlas Mountains on the way to Tafraout and came to a standstill due to a herd of camels happily sauntering along the road ! Judging by the backlog of cars, they'd been in the middle of the road for quite some time !

They happily wandered along at their own pace, without a second thought to the cars honking their horns or our local driver leaning out of the window, much to the kids' delight, and yelling "Ho, les dromadaires, bougez vos fesses" ("Oi, you camels, shift your bums")!

They eventually graciously decided to move to the side of the road and let us pass. We didn't manage to get a photo in time but there was even a baby camel wandering along next to his mum. Apparently, the nomadic tribes hide out from the heat (already 45° at 11am on the day we were driving past) in the mountain caves close to the road and let their camels loose to forage until they're ready to move on.

Disclosure : This is our entry for Travel Supermarket's Holiday Postcard Competition. Find out more at

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