Tuesday 13 August 2013

Madhouse recipe : Mediterranean Stuffed Ciabatta

On my kitchen wall, I have a calendar from Wright's Baking with recipes championing their bread and cake mixes. As soon as I flipped over to July's page, I knew I wanted to try out the recipe. This is my version of it but you can find the original recipe for Mixed Antipasti Schiaciatta on the Wright's Flour website.

 Mediterranean Stuffed Ciabatta

ingredients : 

500g Wright's Ciabatta Bread Mix
350ml water
2 tbsp olive oil
8 slices of Parma ham
10 cherry tomatoes
1/2 red pepper
1/2 pack goats' cheese
20 olives
a sprinkle of oregano

In a large bowl, mix the bread mix with the flour. I just got my hands right in which was a bit gooey but very satisfying ! Just keep mixing until it pulls together into a ball (add a little extra flour if it's too wet and sticky) then knead it for 5 minutes. Add the olive oil and squish it about a bit more until it's mixed right through then leave it to rest for 10 minutes.

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling ingredients. Roughly slice the Parma ham, chop the olives and cherry tomatoes in half and dice the goats' cheese and red pepper.

Divide the dough into three equal parts. Grease a deep 20cm cake tin with olive oil. Use the first third of the dough to cover the bottom of the tin. You can either press and squish it out with your fingers or use a rolling pin. (For the first part, I used my hands but it made a few holes. For the second and third parts, I used a rolling pin which worked better.)

On top of the dough, scatter a third of the filling ingredients. Add a second layer of dough and toppings, then the third and final layers of dough and toppings. Sprinkle with oregano.

Place a damp tea towel over the top and leave it in a warm place for half an hour to rise. It should double in size more or less.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180° for 45 minutes until golden brown and crispy on top.

As I wasn't entirely sure how this would turn out, I scrimped a bit on the fillings - next time (and there will be a next time !) - I will add more. It's still a lovely meal in itself though - I didn't even need to add any butter or drizzle olive oil over it and munched it still warm from the oven. Juliette said it's like inside out pizza which is quite an accurate description really ! I'm used to making my own bread in the bread machine but creating this little masterpiece totally by hand was still a rewarding experience (and one that impressed the kids !).

Link up your recipe of the week

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse salad recipe : Beef, olive and nectarine salad


  1. That looks delicious! Reminds me of the picnic load I do sometimes.

  2. Now that is one my kids would all adore, going to have to try and give this a go. Thanks for the idea. Popping over from Recipe of the week

  3. oh this looks like something we would have for snacks or at a weekend party. Will try this!

  4. How clever! And simple too! I'm definitely going to try a veggie version with the kids.

    Pinned and stumbled (and saved to my favourites bookmarks so that I remember to put it on next week's meal plan). Thanks for joining in with #recipeoftheweek. There's a new linky live now. Please do come and join in again!
