Friday 30 August 2013

Baby RoyalTea Greetings Card review

Oh look, it's another commemorative souvenir to celebrate the birth of bouncing baby Prince George !

But I bet you didn't guess what the product would be this time. It's a greetings card - left blank for you to write your own message in - that comes with a little surprise.

You can pull out the little Kate and William cardboard figures and - ta da ! - they have a tea bag attached !

William looks very happy in his Royal Daddy of the Year T-shirt which I think he definitely deserves, after driving his little family home from the hospital himself and bragging about changing nappies !

The sticking-out arms allow you to prop the figure on the sides of the cup while the tea brews. I'm not too sure about their idea of putting it in a baby's bottle on the back of the card though - surely a fine bone china teacup and saucer would be more regal !

It's a lovely idea and follows on nicely from the Royal Wedding "KaTea and William" tea bags that they created. It does have a slightly hefty price tag (£4.50) but this is a little piece of history and is bound to raise a smile from any fans of the royal couple or anyone who has had their own baby recently.

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £4.50

for more information :

UK stockists include Liberty, Harvey Nichols, Conran Shops and V&A Museum

Disclosure : I received the product in order to write an honest review.

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