Sunday 25 August 2013

Moroccan foodie souvenir : Amlou

As I told you in my earlier blogpost, argan oil is one of the main products exported from the Agadir region of Morocco that we stayed in and one of the products that they make with it is Amlou. They dub it the Moroccan Nutella but it actually tastes more like peanut butter. It's a mixture of ground roasted almonds and argan oil, mixed with honey.

We bought a tub in the local souk and have been eating it spread on bread or dipping bread into it, but I will be experimenting to see if there are any recipes out there using it. 

I think it would make lovely cookies, so I may have to investigate. Any Moroccans out there with any ideas to share ?!

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Moroccan recipe : Chakchouka

Moroccan recipe : Chicken with Olives and Preserved Lemons

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