Friday 16 August 2013

Skribbies Customisable Footwear review

Have a look at the lovely pink and white trainers that Juliette received to review from Skribbies. They have Velcro fastenings and elastic to hold them in place, which is great news if your child hasn't learnt to tie their laces yet, and Juliette thought they looked extremely stylish and funky.

But the best was yet to come. The whole idea of Skribbies is that you get to customise your shoes, using the sheets of stickers and special write-on-wipe-off marker pens. Oooh exciting (especially for an 8-year-old !).

Juliette took advantage of the artistic talents of Madhouse Nanny who was visiting and roped her into drawing this rather fabulous Monster High picture on one of the shoes. Sadly, it didn't last for long - it eventually started getting rubbed off after lots of playing with water pistols and was returned to the state of blank canvas to start all over again.

Juliette decorated the other shoes with lots of multicoloured dashes.

The website states that the fashionable, hi-top trainers are recommended for children aged between 5 and 10 years and are available in UK sizes 10 to 3. Judging by the huge smile on Juliette's face, they have hit their target market spot on.

As a parent, the only thing I'm slightly worried about is that this has given little brother Pierre the idea that it's OK for him to scribble all over his other non-Skribbies shoes ! Unlike the Skribbies, you won't be able to wipe off the designs with a damp cloth or the special eraser wristband.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £35.95

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

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  1. They sound really good. I was talking to Tiredmummyoftwo before she went to the event and she was saying about the issue of drawing on other things, is that she taught her daughters that the pens were special and only to be used to draw on that item. That normal pens didn't work and not to draw elsewhere. I think children of 5 years old can understand if you teach them. Great review and the picture on the shoes is fab.

    What would concern me is that they'd be upset that the picture has washed off when they weren't ready to lose it.

    1. I thought Juliette would be upset about the Monster High picture disappearing but she just shrugged it off and said it was like drawing on a blackboard.

  2. My daughter would love these, they seem a fun idea for older kids like 7+.
