Sunday 24 November 2013

Baby it's cold outside - but we braved it ! #Countrykids

Inspired by #Countrykids and their (very gentle !) nudge on twitter to link up our outdoor activities blogposts again, I decided to bundle the kids up in their coats and head off outside, in between the showers. I think we can safely say, we've made the transition from autumn to winter - it's blooming freezing out there ! In fact, it was snowing not too far away from us on Friday but all we got was hail - eeeek ! The cold weather is surely here to stay.

But that didn't stop us enjoying the fresh (very fresh !) air. Pierre found two paper wraps from the fruit stalls at the market and decided to pretend he was a cheerleader !

We found the Three Billy Goats Gruff's bridge and wandered across chanting "who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?".

Then Sophie threatened to throw her little sister over the edge down to the Troll-Foldy-Roll !

Then we found the Three Bears chairs !

Not sure what happened to all the missing rungs from the climbing frame !

Juliette came down the slide, squeaked "oww I've frozen my bum solid" and that was the end of that ! Time to head home for hot chocolate and pyjamas that have been warming up on the radiators. Brrr !

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse Diaries : Health Forum Kids' Festival


  1. Looks like you had a great time despite the weather!!

    1. we did, but we cut it short because it was so cold !

  2. Lol @ the cheerleader! Lovely photos, Cheryl, well done on braving the cold weather

    1. It always amazes me how kids have so much fun with things like paper and leaves - makes you wonder why we spend a fortune on toys !!

  3. I'm glad that you were inspired to get out and have some family fun together, I love the cheerleader pose and the photo of them on the bench. Thanks for linking up and sharing your chilly fun with Country Kids.

  4. Well done for braving the cold and getting out, that ladder looks like a challenge for your boy without the rungs there!

    Popping over from Country Kids.
