Wednesday 6 November 2013

Madhouse diaries : Sweet Beets !

In honour of Saint Martin, a local tradition that I'll tell you about at the weekend, the local coucil provides free sugar beet to the kids so that they can make them into models and enter a competition (which everyone wins, so we always enter !). Lots of paint and imagination is called for !

Sophie made a butterfly.

Pierre made a bright red mouse. (He's not crying, his gloopy glue hasn't dried yet !)

An Indian with a very girly feather head-dress, slightly cheating by using Mr Potato Head's nose and mouth !

Aaarrggg - a pirate !

Juliette proudly informed me that this is an Angry Bird - hmmm !

And she made an accompanying Angry Birds pig !

I've got to cart this lot off to the judging hall this morning - I hope it isn't raining or it could get messy !

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse diaries : Up close to the zoo animals !

"Dear Diary" Kids' Filofax Blogging Challenge


  1. They all look fantastic, did any of them win?
    I like the pirate best.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

    1. Results will be out next week but we won't win, some people go to great lengths to make really complex designs ! Every participant gets sweets and a book token though so we still enter every year :)

  2. What great fun! They all look brilliant, I particularly like the angry bird pig :) Popping over from Let Kids Be Kids x
