Sunday 3 November 2013

Sunday weigh-in : It was the holidays !!

I haven't weighed in for two weeks, both of which I was on holiday. And that's always bad news for the waistline !

That meant lots of baking with the kids :

This stupidly indulgent homemade cake for my birthday :

Three days of non-stop eating and drinking for a christening with the French side of the family - seriously ! We had a 4-course meal from 1.30-4pm, then went back to the house and started pre-dinner champagne for another big meal including a profiterole tower ! The next day was the same, on a smaller scale. (Only three courses !)

Halloween filled up the house with sweets.

And it was too windy and rainy to get out for several days, even though we did fit in a few long walks when it was reasonable weather.

So, it was therefore no surprise at all to jump on the scales and see 83.2kg - a gain of 1.3kg (or 1.9kg if I take the lowest weight before the official weigh-in). In fact, I was expecting worse !

Back to work tomorrow which means less snacks and less baking. I've just filled the fridge with healthy stuff to so here's to a good weigh-in next week !

Positives of the week

- We had a ball ! I wouldn't have got to share smiles like these if we hadn't had fun in the kitchen !

Current targets 

Last week's target was :  Don't stress over the christening - there will be loads of food, loads of cake and loads of alcohol and I won't really be able to say no politely so just roll with it. Get active on a daily basis, even if it's just going for a walk with the kids or running about in the park. Get that elusive 81.3 as an official weigh-in ! (first part done, second part failed !)

This week's targets : Get back on track. Listen to the Slimpod a few times. Aim to lose what I put back on over the holidays. Getting back to 81 point something would be fabulous.

Longer-term targets : Get back to the 70-somethings. Get my badges back to "weight lost" being more than "left to lose" (they were on 29lb lost/28lb left to lose just before the summer so let's aim to get back there as quickly as possible.)

STILL TO GO : 15.3kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to our weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement :) 

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. Looks like you've had a lovely time. I'm very envious of that gorgeous looking birthday cake!

  2. Mmm that cake looks so yummy! I hope that you had a lovely birthday. As for the gain, it happens to us all and sometimes a little break from the diet does us good, it sounds like you've all had a lovely half term and that's what's important. xx

  3. Wow, looks like those cakes were worth it though!
    Good luck for next week!

    1. Thanks, I'm doing better this week so hopefully it'll show on the scales !

  4. Couldn't agree more - glad you have a fabulous week weightwise, to make up for mine ! lol
