Wednesday 23 April 2014

Santa Maria First Taste Kit - Steak and Chips

As I told you last week (when I took part in the Santa Maria Canapé Challenge), Santa Maria, a brand new range of Herbs and Spices, is launching this week. In honour of the occasion, they created a selection of First Taste Kits - First Aid Kits but for your food - to showcase the ease with which the new Herbs and Spices range can transform an everyday dish into a flavour sensation. If you watch the video below, you can see what was in our kit for Steak and Chips.

Time to move into the kitchen !

Here are the two Santa Maria products from the box - Tellicherry Black Pepper on the left and Rock & Sea Salt on the right.

First I made the herby butter by mashing together 100g softened butter, 100g finely chopped parsley, 1 small garlic clove, zest of 1 lemon and 5 tsp black pepper.

Next, the steak gets the Santa Maria treatment too, with a generous sprinkling of Tellicherry Black Pepper and the Rock & Sea Salt. 

I decided to go for oven-baked wedges rather than chips, and tossed the potato slices in a little olive oil before shaking on plenty of Tellicherry Black Pepper and the Rock & Sea Salt, along with some of the Chips Perfect Shake Seasoning that I told you about last week.

A hot pan with a drizzle of olive oil and a knob of butter is the only other thing that is needed. Time to sizzle the steaks for a few minutes on each side.

Add a simple side salad of lettuce of cucumber and you're ready to go. The herby butter on top of the steak was a lovely touch and one that I'll definitely use again.

Santa Maria wanted to showcase the ease with which the new Herbs and Spices range can transform an everyday dish into a flavour sensation. Mission accomplished, without a doubt !

Disclosure : I received a First Taste Kit from Santa Maria in order to write an honest review.

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