Thursday 12 June 2014

Globe-cooking recipe : Kiflice (Croatia)

When Chris from Cooking Around The World launched his World Cup Foodie Challenge, I loved the idea of cooking a recipe from one of the countries playing on match days. When I spotted that Croatia were playing today, I had no idea what to prepare so I headed to google and found the fantastic blogpost Croatian Heirloom Recipes (from my dear Grandmother and Mother) which is packed with simple but delicious sounding recipes, including the wonderfully-named Torn Underpants !

I decided to try Kiflice. Make sure you click through to see the original recipe because this is my tweaked version, to accommodate what I had in the cupboard :


ingredients :

250g plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
50g sugar
100g butter
3tbsp lemon essence
80g clotted cream
a drizzle of liquid crème fraîche
1 egg
Blackberry jam
Icing sugar, to dust

Last month - Sunday 18th May to be precise - it was World Baking Day and the lovely people at Rodda's sent me through a surprise package (containing an apron, a bag and some of their lovely clotted cream and butter) to bake something nice. The theme for this year was "Who Will You Bake For?" so I decided to offer some of these to my lovely elderly neighbour - better late than never ?! The butter and clotted cream were so lovely, they've been disappearing from the fridge very quickly but I finished off the Rodda's butter in this recipe, making up the necessary amount with my regular butter. Look at the difference in colour with the Rodda's on the left and top right !

Anyway, I digress ... back to the recipe !

Rub the butter in the flour/bicarb to make breadcrumbs.

Mix in the cream, egg, sugar and lemon essence. (The original recipe uses sour cream - I used clotted cream and added a drizzle of liquid crème fraîche to help it all come together into a ball.)

Roll into a ball and put on a floured surface.

Rip the dough into four parts and roll out one piece at a time.

Cut them into roughly triangular shapes.

Dollop a spoonful of jam (homemade blackcurrant jam, courtesy of my mother-in-law no less !) in the middle of the long edge and roll them up.

It's a bit like a cross between a jam tart and a croissant !

Repeat with the other pieces of dough.

Place on a baking tray lined with baking parchment and pop in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°C.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly, until they're just cool enough to handle without burning your fingers.

Coat with a generous dusting of icing sugar.

I'm joining in with the World Cup recipe challenge over on the Cooking Around The World blog

If you fancy trying out some other Croatian recipes, you might like to check out cevapi on Chez Maximka and Fritule on the Cooking Around The World blog.

Other blogposts you may be interested in :


  1. Never heard of them but its a simple recipe, great to make with my grandson when he's over. He would enjoy putting the jam in & rolling them. I've bookmarked this page for future reference. Thank for the tips .

  2. this looks amazing, will certainly be giving it a go with the kids!

  3. Once you mentioned torn underpants, I was sure I had read this before. That was during my research on Croatian recipes yesterday. So I reckon, you beat me to posting first, although I have something different in mind. Well chosen, though. I would have used my thick plum jam I still have down in the cellar.

    1. aha! I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)

  4. This is a super recipe, Cheryl, and I would love to try some of those yummy looking pastries. Love Pierre's photos!

    1. Thanks lovely ! Pierre is such a poseur, he makes me laugh !

  5. These sound lovely; Croatia is a beautiful country and we loved that we could have lamb or pig on a spit at a restaurant on the side of the road.

    1. I've never been to Croatia but it's one of the places we've got in mind for a future trip :)
