Sunday, 31 August 2014

Sunday weigh-in : All BAD things come to an end !

Every year, I stop weighing in over the summer, enjoy the time off with the kids, spend a week with the in-laws in Brittany (with everything cooked in butter - Sophie even discovered the joys of chips topped with butter, I kid you not !), a week in England with my family (rediscovering all the (naughty) foodie things I can't get in France like fish & chips and KFC) then spend a fortnight on holiday (this year in Kusadasi in Turkey) with all-inclusive cocktails, ice creams and tempting buffets 24/7. And every year I put on about a stone, which takes me back to where I started in January with my new year's resolution.

And guess what - this year is not much different ! I was actually pretty good on holiday, opting for diet cokes over cocktails and consuming my entire body weight in freshly grilled fish (with the heads still on, much to the kids' horror/fascination !) so I only put on 1kg in a fortnight which is better than usual, but overall I still put on 3.4kg.

But I'm back in the saddle, totally determined to get back into the groove, with my trusty new friend, the Fitbug Orb, to keep me on the straight and narrow. I'm not going to dwell on the pounds I've piled back on, I'm just focusing on the ones I'm going to lose. 

How about you? Has your summer been a dieting disaster or have you been good ?!

Positives of the week

- I have motivation in buckets and after all the over-indulging of the past month, I'm actually looking forward to munching on soup and salads!

- This year's timetable gives me Wednesday off and Friday afternoon off so I'll actually get some me-time to schedule in some Wii-fit regularly - something I haven't had for years !

- We brought back a Mini Disco CD from Turkey that will be great for a fun regular "workout" with the kids ! I also plan on hitting the Wii-Fit again and may also dust off my fitness DVDs.

Current targets 

Last week's target : Enjoy the summer (DONE !)

This week's targets : Use the Fitbug every day to track everything - calories, activity, sleep ... I'm actually really keen to kick off on upping the exercise and reducing calories but I'm supposed to do a normal week first to help set targets. I guess one week won't make much difference ! 

Short-term targets 21kg to lose sounds a lot but breaking it down, aiming for 1kg a week, that's only about 5 months - first target, get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's (it's currently on 51lb) by next week, second goal - get back to 85.6kg, my pre-holiday weight, by the end of September.

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 68kg. 

WEIGHT LAST WEEK  : 85.6kg (in the middle of July)
STILL TO GO : 21.0kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. Big wave :) Lovely to have you back Cheryl. Sounds like you've had a fantastic summer, the break will have done you good.
    I hope you enjoy the Fitbug Orb and if it's anything like the fitbit I've got it will really help. I find myself jumping up all the time to put things away, just to increase my step count. And if I've got a spare half an hour, then I set off for a walk round the block, just so I can reach my step goal. Good luck. xx

  2. Glad you've had a lovely summer. New start for us now :) xx

  3. Sounds like you've had a lovely summer, definitely back to it now, thanks for linking up :) #wellbeingwednesday
