Friday 26 September 2014

Fruit Shoot invited us to Get Our Skills On !

During the summer, Robinson Fruit Shoot relaunched their Get Your Skills On campaign and they sent us through a pack of sporty-themed goodies to help us get involved.

Pierre excitedly unpacked it all and balanced all the items on top of each other, which was quite impressive !

The campaign is all about getting outdoors, getting active and learning new skills. We started off indoors until the kids got their balls under control because it was safer !

The youtube page has a whole list of skills tutorials that we looked through.

We started off with the basketball skills and watched Drew Hoops' advice on becoming a basketball freestyler. The Around The World tutorial caught Juliette's imagination.

As you can see, it was harder than it looked but Juliette had a lot of fun trying and will keep practising.

Next we watched Rachael Sparks champion skipper who made all the moves look really easy.

Pierre and Juliette had a go at skipping and I couldn't help but keep snorting with laughter as they tied themselves up in knots with the skipping rope - bad mummy !

After all that effort, they needed a drink - luckily we had some Fruit Shoots to hand. Pierre actually discovered a brand new skill all by himself - balancing an empty Fruit Shoot bottle in his mouth. Hmm not sure that's quite the sort of skills they had in mind though !

Disclosure : We received a Fruit Shoot Get Your Skills On pack.

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