Thursday 18 September 2014

Sure Women Maximum Protection review

Just before heading off to Turkey for a fortnight, I received a Sure Women Maximum Protection deodorant to review - that provided the perfect opportunity for putting it through its paces ! The box says that it is scientifically proven to offer wetness protection but would it live up to the claims? Well, in a word, yes - it did keep me sweat-free and smelling fresh as a daisy, even in the Turkish sun.

It has quite a unique format because, unlike most deodorants, it comes as a cream which you dispense by turning the bottom of the stick so that it squeezes out through the holes. At first, it's quite hard to know how much you're supposed to apply. I thought this would feel horrible and gooey but it sinks in quickly without leaving any wet or sticky residue - even if I forget to put on my deodorant before getting dressed, it doesn't leave any stains or dampness on my clothes, which is quite impressive. If you reapply during the day, I do find the holes in the lid tend to pick up bits of fluff which looks a bit manky, so I only use it when I'm fresh out of the shower now !

The technology is quite impressive - it contains odour-fighting microcapsules that instantly dissolve at the first sign of sweat. It is also apparently twice as strong as the leading anti-perspirant.

In terms of protection against wetness and odour, it delivers 100%. It has a lovely delicate fragrance and I actually quite like the idea of a cream deodorant, now that I've got used to it.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £5.10 for 45ml

Disclosure : I received the product in order to write an honest review.

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