Friday 19 September 2014

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? : menu plan 19/9/14

This week is full of exciting (and hopefully tasty !) new globe-cooking recipes that I'll be trying out,  using my Jordanian-themed Kitchen Trotter box and also some spicy marinades I have to review.


lunch - we've decided to go to McDonald's once a fortnight rather than every week from now on - this week it's a soft play week so I'll have a salmon salad

dinner - we're off to a friend's 40th so it's be disastrous for the diet !


lunch - the Madhouse grandparents are over for the day so just a classic Sunday roast - probably chicken

dinner - bagels with ham and cucumber or tuna and sweetcorn


dinner - chicken tikka masala with rice, pitta bread and salad


dinner - Sfeha - little spicy meat stuffed pizza pies with grilled tomatoes, salad and mash


lunch - Chinese 5 spice pork chops with potato wedges & veggies

dinner - anchovy fougasse with cheese, tomatoes & salad


dinner -  Mansaf - a Jordanian dish of lamb baked in yogurt served with ebly (bulgur)


dinner - big mixed salad with bacon, mushrooms, olives, sweetcorn, or Mexican soup if it's cold (the weather's gone summery again at the moment !)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !

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