Friday 3 October 2014

Was the competition fairy kind to you in September?

Not many wins at all this month, which is hardly surprising as I wasn't online much in August so I didn't enter any competitions !

Firstly I won a bottle of Original Source Quench shower gel which is great as it's my fave shower gel brand :)

I won a cinema ticket to see The Hundred Foot Journey - I passed this on to a friend as I never seem to find the time to go. She was over the moon so it was still a great win :)

I won some Holy Lama Spice Drops.

And finally - one that the girls got VERY excited about again ! - I won a bottle of One Direction perfume. *cue squeals* (Thanks Galina for the heads up )

What about you? Hopefully you won a bit more than me this month ! I love hearing about all your lovely wins so do share them in the comments below !

You may like to try your luck at my giveaways :

Giveaway #426 : Win 1 of 5 Dettol Anti-Bacterial Laundry Cleansers - closing date 17/10


  1. Well done for 1D prize, I knew it would be perfect for Sophie. I had one prize in September, a Sacla hamper from Elizabeth's Kitchen blog, very pleased with it, as we eat lots of pasta, so that would all be very handy. It's the 2nd time this year I won a Sacla hamper.

    1. I won a Sacla hamper a very long time ago and it was fab - I always love foodie hamper wins. Thanks again for the heads-up for the 1D comp - Sophie was over the moon !

  2. Congratulations on your wins. I was having a terrible September until the last few days when I won a £50 takeaway voucher, a craft box, a box of sweets, some cheese and a pair of headphones just turned up in the post. October is off to a great start with a win of £100 worth of clothes on the first day, here's hoping for some good wins for all of us in the run up to Christmas ;o)

    1. ooh well done, you've had some great wins there :)

  3. I won 2 idirection sets - 1 went to next door but 1 - and i got a nice thnks from Skye in a note - the other i gave to my newsagent who I think is gonna pass it on to kelly - i also won a dvd - submission - but thats a bit adult - also some make-up stuff - not for me so we'll see on that one

  4. oh - and i just got vack from a £1000 holiday in cornwall i won - and im due £2000 cheque from itv in next 2 weeks - i had a good setember!!!!

  5. most months are ****** - but september was a good one - keep trying - sum1 gotta win i say xx :)

  6. Cheryl - if the wins are no good to me then i like them to go to kids who appreciate them - ive 2 boys so 1direction stuff wont be in their likes - so i give to girls who will like

  7. u cant win if u dont enter ;)
