Saturday 21 November 2015

Madhouse recipe : Gluten-free & Dairy-free Tahini Truffles

Indigo Herbs recently challenged me to take part in their Organic, Gluten-free & Dairy-free Baking Challenge and sent through an intriguing bundle of ingredients to experiment with :

Now, what to make with this lot? The challenge was inspired by the Alternative Ingredients bakers' challenge on the Great British Bake Off and even they weren't immune to a few disasters, so I decided to play safe and start off with an easy recipe. These Gluten-free & Dairy-free Tahini Truffles take just minutes to make, have a wonderfully soft texture and are so much healthier than the usual butter and chocolate packed truffles. If you want a homemade festive gift for a neighbour with a free from diet, or just a healthier option for your own family, they're the perfect choice.

 Gluten-free & Dairy-free Tahini Truffles

ingredients :

8tbsp raw white tahini
8tbsp coconut sugar
2tbsp bitter cocoa powder
1tbsp cinnamon
1tbsp vanilla (I used a vanilla grinder but you could use vanilla essence - just use half the quantity)
sesame seeds

Put all the ingredients except the sesame seeds in a bowl and mix until perfectly combined. Place in the fridge for an hour to firm up slightly.

Scoop out a spoonful and quickly shape it into a ball shape with your fingertips (try not to handle it too much or it will warm up and get to soft). Roll in sesame seeds and transfer to a plate. Repeat and eat !

Diclosure : I received a bundle of ingredients in order to take part in the challenge.


  1. These truffles sound lovely. I wouldn't have thought of using tahini in a sweet dish, but why not.

    1. They taste a bit like peanut butter - and they're lovely and squishy !
