Tuesday 9 February 2016

Book review : Match Me If You Can - Michele Gorman

Rachel, Sarah and Catherine are best friends and housemates. They all have quite different personalities - Sarah is homely and loves baking, early nights and casual clothes: Rachel is a competitive architect with a vulnerable core; and Catherine is always in control, always perfectly groomed and always right (or so she likes to think !). They do have one thing in common though, besides their friendship : they're all single. As Catherine is the owner of an online dating site, it makes sense that she encourages her two best friends to join up and take advantage of the pool of young, free and single men on offer. RecycLove has a twist though - you have to sign up with your ex and agree to give each other an honest appraisal of their faults and qualities. As the girls cast their nets wider in their search for The One, they realise that they might have been looking in the wrong place all along.

It's a lovely feel-good read that's perfect for Valentine's day, whether you're feeling loved up or let down. I loved all three of the girls, as they are all perfectly impefect with their quirks and foibles that make them realistic and appealing. They have interesting background stories and their dating disasters lead to a lot of laughs - a couple of the candidates are quite cringeworthy !

It's the perfect book to pick up on your tea break while you munch on a chocolate biscuit or two, so I was very pleased to see that some of "Sarah's" favourite recipes are included at the back of the book. I made the chocolate chip cookies this afternoon and they are utterly divine. (I'll share the recipe with you, if I'm allowed to.) I was a bit sad that there wasn't the recipe for the frequently-mentioned Morning Muffins though - I like the idea of eating carrot cake for breakfast too !

Michele Gorman is great at creating strong and likeable female characters - I also reviewed The Curvy Girls Club last year.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £7.99 

Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Avon (14 Jan. 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0007585667
ISBN-13: 978-0007585663

Disclosure : I received a copy of the book in order to write an honest review.


  1. Sounds great! i dont know where you find the time to read

    1. Half an hour each way on the bus to work and half an hour at bedtime every night ! :)

  2. Margaret Clarkson
    This sounds like a lovely read. Thank you for such a great review.
