Friday 26 February 2016

Giveaway #537 : Win 2 x The Children of Green Knowe on dvd - closing 11/3

Simply Media are delighted to announce the release of The Children of Green Knowe, a charming and mystical classic children’s mini-series adapted from Lucy M. Boston’s novels. It comes to DVD for the very first time on 28th March 2016.

When his father and stepmother leave the country for Christmas, young Toseland (Alec Christie – The Office) is doomed to spend the holidays at his boarding school, until his eccentric great-grandmother, Mrs. Oldknow (Daphne Oxenford – Coronation Street), invites him to stay with her at The Green Knowe estate, an 11th century house built by Normans. While she tells him stories of his ancestors, Toseland soon finds out not everything is what it seems, when he begins to see the spirits of children who lived in the house during the reign of Charles II.

Originally screened in 1986 but never released on DVD, The Children of Green Knowe is directed by BAFTA winner Colin Cant (Moondial), alongside BAFTA winning producer Paul Stone (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe).

The Manor of Green Knowe is open to the public, details here:

If you fancy a trip down memory lane or want to share this retro classic with your own children, I have two copies to give away to lucky Madhouse Family Reviews readers. Fill in your entries in the rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 11/3/16

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after 28 days, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray !

You may also like to enter my other giveaways :


  1. I love loads - Mr Benn, Bagpus, Crackerjack, Saturday SwapShop.....

  2. I loved watching Bugs Bunny

  3. Fantastic giveaway bagpuss was my favourite xx

  4. I loved He-man and masters of the universe.

  5. The Finstones & Scooby Doo - hard to decide between them
    (Spencer Broadley)

  6. Margaret Clarkson
    Mr Benn

  7. I liked 'The Herbs'.

  8. I had so many favourite tv shows! I think my top one though had to be Playdays!

  9. THIS! THIS! This was my favourite TV programme when I was young! I totally loved it- I was fascinated and frightened (a bit like Moondial, which was also fabulous) but LOVED it. Right, must calm down…...

  10. I had lots of favourites! I adored Scooby Doo!

  11. I loved watching the cartoon Dungeons and Dragons

  12. i liked byker grove and grange hill x

  13. Glen Michael's Cartton Cavalcade.

    Rachel Craig

  14. I loved watching Inspector Gadget :-)

  15. Tough decision! When I was really young, Button Moon. Then loved the TV adaptation of The Wolves of Willoughby Chase!

  16. I loved Super Ted and Bannanaman x

  17. crystal tips and alistair

  18. mine was knightmare! still is!

  19. My fave programmes were Pipkins, You and Me and Bagpuss. x

  20. My favourite was come outside :)

  21. Rentaghost loved it memories xx

  22. i used to love worzel gummidge

  23. I loved so many programmes as a child from Superted to Knightmare and The Box of Delights. I'm such a nostalgic person.

  24. I loved Thundercats

  25. I LOVED this! I still have the book. I also loved The Box of Delights.

  26. I loved old Lassie repeats. Strange, as there were much better children's programmes to watch.

  27. This has made my night seeing this is being released. Now just need Box of Delights and Moondial.

  28. Charmian Filewood8 March 2016 at 23:28

    Omg this was! People have been campaigning the BBC to release this for years, with petitions and everything! Close second is The Box of Delights that I have on dvd already :)

  29. Grange Hill - Zammo, Gripper and Roland years

  30. I'm so old there was only a short Watch with Mother programme each day Picture Book, Andy Pandy, Rag, Tag and Bobtail, The Woodentops and The Flowerpot Men. I didn't have a favourite I loved them all :)

  31. I loved coming home from school and watching Top Cat

  32. Got to be Button Moon! Bring it back! (@PeanutHog)

  33. mysterious cities of gold. still remember the theme tune 'aaaah, ah aha ahahah....#

  34. i have entered

  35. I've entered - I love ducktales and rescue rangers (I got them both on offer a few years ago)

  36. I loved Black Beauty, always wanted a horse until I got one and realised what hard work they are

  37. jackanory romper room and mr benn come to mind

  38. I think I watched this as a kid. I'd like to see Screentest again.

  39. Didn't really watch kids programmes! Loved stuff like The Crystal Maze and the Krypton Factor.

  40. Scooby Doo, Bill and Ben The Flowerpot Men,
    Andy Pandy

    George Williamson

  41. I am so excited. I have been looking for the children of Green Knowe for years for my brother and have never been able to find it ! It is his birthday in May I am definitely getting him it. Thanks for the information about it. I loved the Phoenix and the Carpet

  42. I use to watch the Banana splits

  43. Knightmare was amazing - something different. I loved the Children of Green Knowe the book - I am gutted I didn't know they made it into a series - at least I can make up for that now!

    Victoria B - @ickle0ne
