Monday 8 February 2016

Madhouse recipe : The Fry Up Salad !

You know those days when your head's saying that you should be having something healthy like a salad for lunch, but your heart is saying you'd rather be tucking into a greasy plate of bacon and eggs? Well, this dish combines both !

The Fry Up Salad

ingredients :

salad ingredients (lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, pickled beetroot, olives, sweetcorn, red pepper, ...)
1 egg per person
a packet (300g) of bacon lardons
1 onion
a handful of mushrooms
1 apple
a handful of dried cranberries

Get prepping ! Put on a pan of water and hardboil the eggs. Chop the onion and mushrooms and put in a frying pan with the bacon lardons. Drain off the excess fat and put in a dish lined with kitchen paper.

I went for a salad bar approach and just put everything on the table so that the kids could pick and choose whatever they wanted, which they got surprisingly enthusiastic about !

I lined a plate with lettuce, dotted slices or wedges of cucumber, tomato and beetroot around the edges and sprinkled over a couple of spoonfuls of sweetcorn and some chunks of apple. I scattered over some lardons, mushrooms and onions, then a handful of dried cranberries and topped it all off with a halved boiled egg. It's packed full of flavour and the bacon/mushrooms/onions give it enough fat that you don't need salad dressing.

Pierre doesn't like lettuce but he still tucked in enthusiastically ... with his chopsticks from the day before !


  1. I could just eat this now, looks lovely. Lol at pierre and his chopsticks!

    1. He ate soft tacos with them today - it actually worked well because it kept them closed at the top ! lol
