Tuesday 16 February 2016

The first Pawsomebox of 2016 (review)

You may remember that last month, I shared our review of the Christmas Pawsomebox, a subscription box full of doggie treats and accessories that the Madhouse pooches Vicky and Didou shared with their canine cousins, Brodie and Dieser. Here's what was hiding inside the January Pawsomebox.

Along with this chunky rope pull toy that Pierre was desperately trying to interest Didou in ! 

There was a second pull toy in the box - this cute pink pig toy with a very long neck/tail that can be pulled through the body. It totally intrigued the kids ...

... and even Didou and Vicky came over for a look. They are never normally that interested in toys so we usually pass them on to Dieser and Brodie, who immediately throw them around and chew them to bits and generally have a ball. It looks like the Madhouse dogs may slowly be realising what toys are for though !

As soon as we started pulling out the edible treats, the Madhouse pooches were much more enthusiastic !

These chicken bone shaped snacks went down very well with the dogs - and the kids, who thought they looked really cool ! The little round Chicken & Carrot treats had the dogs leaping all over the place wanting more too !

The Munchy Beef Bar looks just like a meaty chocolate bar and its hard texture is ideal for helping with your dog's dental hygiene, removing plaque and keeping gums clean. I thought it would be hard to break into squares but it's actually quite easy.

The final product intrigued me because it's something I'd never seen before - Kelp Care is a 100% natural food supplement made from kelp, which contains bioactive properties along with an array of vitamins and minerals to keep your dog healthy and promote hair growth, aid digestion and boost the immune system. It claims to help keep your dog active, healthy and above all happy. You just sprinkle it over their regular food and let it do its magic. I tried it and the Madhouse doggies didn't pay it any attention so it's a simple way of boosting their health.

I'm not sure if Didou is smiling or just enjoying his Munchy Beef Bar !

 If you love to pamper your pet pooch and you like receiving surprises through the post, this is a great scheme to sign up to. A monthly subscription costs £19.90, six-monthly works out at £17.90 per month and yearly is the equivalent of £15.90 per month, including delivery.

for more information : http://pawsomebox.co.uk/

Disclosure : We received a box in order to write an honest review.

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