Monday 25 April 2016

Madhouse recipe : Smores spring rolls

While having a recent #KitchenClearout, I came across a half used pack of spring roll wrappers that were past their sell-by date so when I spotted someone on twitter mentioning Smores spring rolls, my ears pricked up. I made up my own recipe to use up what was in the cupboards, but you could adapt it, using squares of chocolate or a jar of marshmallow fluff instead, depending on what's cluttering up your kitchen !

Smores spring rolls

ingredients :

spring roll wrappers
a few digestive biscuits, crushed
some marshmallows
the end of a jar of chocolate spread

Dip the spring roll wrappers one at a time in a shallow dish of cold water until they go soft and sticky.

Lay out on a plate and add a dollop of chocolate spread to the middle.

Top with a tablespoon of biscuit crumbs.

Lay a marshmallow on top.

Fold the two edges in to the centre then tightly roll it up.

Gently fry on both sides  in a frying pan with a small knob of butter. One split and oozed chocolatey goo everywhere which was lovely to wash off the pan !

 They look totally burnt but it's the chocolate that has melted !
 Drain on kitchen paper then serve while still warm, but warn the kids not to burn their mouths if the filling is too hot.

They're not bad as a fun dessert to throw together on a Sunday afternoon with odds and ends from the cupboard but they wouldn't win Masterchef !

They do win all sorts of accolades as a #KitchenClearout recipe though because they used up lots of odds and ends of jars and packets that were cluttering up the cupboards, so I'm adding it to this month's linky.


  1. I bet that would be welcomed with huzzah in our house too. Chocolate and marshmallows! I haven't heard of these spring rolls before, but they are definitely inspired

  2. Too sweet for me bug the will love it. Thanks for sharing

  3. These look so yummy. Thank you for sharing. X

  4. These look so yummy. Thank you for sharing. X

  5. These look so yummy. Thank you for sharing. X
