Tuesday 27 December 2016

#readcookeat recipe : Beef & Vegetables with Almonds (A Long Ways From Home)

If you are starting to feel all turkeyed out and want a change from the Christmas leftovers, or alternatively if you're scratching your head, wondering what to do with the last bit of turkey left in the fridge, this recipe, inspired by Sgt Windflower in Mike Martin's A Long Ways From Home (click through to read my review), could be adapted to use up turkey instead of beef. It was inspired by this extract :

p76 Brown went off with his box of Chinese food for the troops. Windflower went into the restaurant and took a quick look at the dinner buffet, but decided to order some take-out from the menu instead. He knew from past experience that simple was always better when it came to ordering any take-out food. He selected #Combo 3 with an egg roll, beef with vegetables and almonds, sweet and sour chicken balls and chicken fried rice. In twenty minutes, he was back in his room with his food and a large tea from Tim Hortons.

I already made Chicken Fried Rice just before Christmas, which would be another great dish for using up the leftovers.

Beef & Vegetables with Almonds

ingredients :

drizzle of sesame oil or olive oil
2 onions
1 clove of garlic
400g steak/beef chopped into thin strips
2 carrots
1 large courgette
1/2 red pepper
1/2 green pepper
3 mushrooms
1tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1tbsp soy sauce
1tbsp kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)
1/2 cup flaked almonds

Heat the oil in a large wok and gently fry the garlic and onion until soft and translucent but not coloured.

Use a potato peeler to cut off thin strips of courgette and carrot. Toss them into the pan and stir fry for 2 minutes.

Add the red and green peppers and cook for a further 3 minutes.

Next to go in is the beef and mushrooms. Cook for 5-8 minutes, depending on how well cooked you like your beef.

I had a rummage through my kitchen cupboard to see what I could find with an Asian flavour and discovered sweet chilli sauce, kecap manis, sesame oil, a stir fry sauce (mainly made of soy sauce with added garlic and Chinese spice), rich hoisin sauce and sticky plum sauce.

If the beef and mushrooms have released too much liquid, drain off the excess. Add a spoonful of this and that, tasting frequently, until you get the balance you desire. I've given you my proportions as a guide but feel free to experiment with whatever is in your cupboards.

Once the meat and veggies are covered in a thick sticky sauce, turn off the heat and scatter over the flaked almonds. Serve immediately with noodles or rice.

If you fancy cooking the books too, head over to the #readcookeat challenge at Chez Maximka.

This is a great way of clearing out the veggies in the fridge, using up leftover cooked meat and finishing off odds and ends of condiments, so I'm adding it to this month's #KitchenClearout linky.


  1. I love flaked almonds; they add a fabulous texture to anything. Great recipe, thank you!

    1. I always seem to have a bag in the cupboard too !

  2. Almonds are fab in meat and vegetable dishes. I have most of the sauces in your Asian collection too. After a week of Italian food I really fancy something different now. I'll sort out the linky at the beginning of January. :)

    1. Great, I have a few to link up already :) I know what you mean - we've been eating loads of gourmet food at the in laws' and now I fancy lots of everyday comfort food
