Friday 16 December 2016

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 16/12

And we've made it to the holiday - woohoo ! This is my last menu plan of the year because we'll be visiting the rellies over Christmas and New Year. The last few days will be a case of winding down the fridge and using up whatever's in there which could be interesting !


lunch - our traditional weekly trip to McDonald's to ease into the weekend

dinner - cheesy pasta bake


lunch - roast chicken with ginger carrots, parsnips & roast potatoes, plus lashings of gravy obviously, or it wouldn't be a proper roast dinner !

dinner - smoked salmon bagels


lunch - chicken fried rice (to use up the leftovers)

dinner - creamy salmon and potato casserole with broccoli


lunch - Chinese beef with vegetables and almonds with noodles or rice

dinner - veggie lasagne


lunch - Tunisian tagine - baked mince and egg

dinner - cod with lemon potatoes


lunch - spaghetti carbonara

dinner - leftovers and smorging to clear out the fridge

That's all I'm cooking this week, except for some cheese & bacon muffins for lunch on the long drive, as requested by Juliette !

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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