Friday 30 December 2016

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 30/12

I don't need a menu plan until after New Year because we'll still be visiting family but, after all the festive over-indulgence, I'm looking forward to some healthy, hearty, wholesome and fairly plain dishes to kick off the new year. On Monday we're all still off but it's back to the grindstone for the whole family on Tuesday *groan* !


lunch - sandwiches on the way home

dinner - soup - but we'll all be tired after the journey (and New Year's Eve) so I'm guessing it'll be from a carton (probably New Covent Garden if they're still doing their £1 off vouchers)


lunch - the fridge and freezer are pretty empty until we go shopping so beefburgers with mash and beans should be do-able !

dinner - veggie lasagne (assuming the fridge has been restocked)


dinner - bacon and lentil stew


lunch - tacos

dinner - a Newfoundland recipe - cod with scrunchions (the nearest I'll get is crispy fatty bacon), boiled potatoes and broccoli


dinner - an African dish, chicken or pork palaver (with a spinach, tomato & peanut sauce) with buckwheat


dinner - I'm guessing there will be a fridgeload of leftovers, but if not, chilli con carne & rice

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Join in with the weekly meal plan bloghop !


  1. I am looking forward to eating properly again....I love all the Christmas food but I am craving normal food again. x

    1. snap ... I'm craving soups and salads now ! lol

  2. I love how everyone gets excited to get back to normal. I definitely am, though we still have loads of Christmas food left, x

  3. I've started my planning again - I want to shift a bit of weight and also cut down how much we are spending on food x

    1. Ooh I'm with you on both counts - good luck ! xx

  4. I am so craving some routine back in our meals, over the holidays they have been late and indulgent! The bacon and lentil stew sounds delicious. Hope you have a great week x #MealPlanningMonday

    1. Same here. Just setting the alarm for 6.15 though - that's one part of the routine I could do without !
