Thursday 4 May 2017

Madhouse recipe : Haggis Puffs

After making Balmoral Chicken - chicken breast stuffed with haggis and wrapped in pancetta - I still had half a pack of haggis to use up. After rummaging in the fridge, an idea started to form : haggis parcels, containing ... well, pretty much everything that was in the fridge ! Some leftover boiled potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions and even some Norwegian brown cheese. Surprisingly, the flavours all worked really well together.

Haggis Puffs

ingredients :

a sheet of ready-made puff pastry
2-3 boiled potatoes
2-3 mushrooms
1 onion
1/2 pack of haggis
1 tomato
a few slices of cheese
a little milk or egg wash (to brush)

Cut the sheet of pastry in half. Fill half of each piece with the toppings, starting with some slices of potato.

Then some mushrooms and onions, that I'd quickly fried in a little olive oil.

Next is the haggis, slightly crumbled to make sure it cooks through properly.

A couple of slices of tomato on top.

And finally some cheese - I had some sweet Norwegian brown cheese but you could use cheddar or even cheese spread. 

Flip over the other half of pastry and crimp the edges to seal. I made a couple of holes with the tip of a sharp knife to let the steam out. Brush with a little milk or egg wash for a nice golden brown colour.

Bake for 30-40 minutes at 180° until golden brown and crispy on top. Serve with salad (or mash or rice, if you prefer.)

Adding to this month's #KitchenClearout linky because it used up the last of the haggis, as well as various odds and ends from the fridge.

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