Wednesday 31 May 2017

Madhouse recipe : Honey Baked Gammon with Cranberry Salad & Wholegrain Mustard Mayo

Even with a meal plan, sometimes it can be a headache cooking the evening meal after a long day at work when you open the fridge and kitchen cupboard and discover that a vital ingredient is out of stock or past its best. As I recently mentioned, we got to try the Gousto service, which provides you with all of the ingredients for the tasty meals of your choice - and I mean all of them, except for a bit of oil, salt and pepper. Even better news is that they come in exact quantities so there's no measuring and above all, zero food waste. Here's the first of the recipes that we tried.

Honey Baked Gammon with Cranberry Salad & Wholegrain Mustard Mayo

ingredients (for 2) :

1 British baby gammon joint (280g)
1 honey pot (28g)
400g potatoes
2tbsp wholegrain mustard
30g dried cranberries
2 mayonnaise sachets (52ml)
100g corn salad

Boil a kettle. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Heat a dry pan over a high heat and sear the gammon joint on all sides for about 5 minutes. It did look very small to me, but I'm used to cooking big family meals for 5 plus leftovers, and there was just the right amount for two people when it was cooked.

Combine the honey with half of the mustard. Cover the cranberries in boiling water to plump them up a little.

Combine the remaining mustard with the mayonnaise. 

Put the seared gammon joint in a tin foil package, folding up the edges to keep the juices in. Pour the honey mustard mixture over the top and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Cut the potatoes into bite sized pieces and put them on a separate baking tray, drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper, then bake until crispy and golden, about 25-30 minutes.

While the meat and potatoes are cooking, wash and dry the salad and put it in a bowl, along with the drained cranberries. Drizzle over a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper then shake it all up.

Leave the gammon to rest for 5 minutes on coming out of the oven, then slice with a sharp knife. Serve with the salad and potatoes, spooning the honey mustard juices from the foil over the meat. Serve the wholegrain mayo on the side.

This was a lovely healthy dish, packed with fresh ingredients, and was really simple to cook and prepare. Top marks to Gousto for this recipe !

If you want to find out more about how a Gousto subscription works, check out my Gousto review.

Disclosure : I received a free Gousto box in order to write an honest review.


  1. Delicious recipe! Love the addition of honey and cranberries.

    1. I thought it would be a lot of contrasting flavours when I saw the ingredients but it actually worked really well :)

  2. Hi Cheryl, this is great. I hope you bring it over to Food on Friday as part of Pot Luck. You'll find a link towards the top of my sidebar. Cheers from Carole's Chatter
