Tuesday 23 May 2017

Super Stretchy Fun With Mini Stretch Armstrong (review)

Just one look at Stretch Armstrong was all it took for the Madhouse kids to be in fits of giggles. Pierre thought it was hilarious that he was wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy pants and the girls couldn't stop laughing because they thought he looked like Donald Trump. Well, yes, I can see a passing resemblance - I think it's the hair and the orange hue of his skin !

This is a Mini Stretch Armstrong measuring 7 inches, but don't be fooled by his smaller size - he has the strongest formula yet and is just as stretchy as the bigger version, so these new action figures can be stretched again and again, but always return to their original shape. The packaging promises that he can be stretched to seven times his original size so it was time to put it to the test.

Grabbing an arm and a leg each, it was time to streeeeeeetch ... and he certainly did, before pinging back to his original shape ! I was convinced he'd end up ripping apart but he does seem very resilient. You can wrap his arms around his body or even tie him up in knots. The kids had great fun with him but it's strangely soothing using him as a stress toy too - who needs fidget spinners ?!

This is just one of a new range of stretchy toys from Character Options, who also brought back the iconic Vac-Man and villainous Stretch Monster, plus Stretch’s friend the Octopus and super stretchy dog Fetch, as well as Scooby Doo.

recommended age range : 5+

RRP : £9.99

for more information : www.character-online.com

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. These look cool. My son has been asking for one of these to see how far can stretch :-)
