Friday 12 May 2017

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 12/5

Leaving a "joker day" in my weekly menu plan on Fridays, to give some leeway for clearing out the fridge and using up the leftovers, is definitely a good idea as it avoids relisting the meals that didn't get made, so that will be a regular feature from now on. A few things got swapped over between this week and last week, so you may have already spotted a couple of the recipes in this week's plan going live last week.


lunch - it's that time of week again ... McDonald's !

dinner - boiled potatoes, salad & smoked haddock


lunch - this week, Madhouse Daddy is out all day being one of the official drivers for the 4 Jours de Dunkerque bike race (which means whizzing around the course in one of the official cars, transporting VIPs, right behind the cyclists) so I gave the kids free reign to choose what they wanted to eat. They opted for ... kebabs from the kebab shop ! Aaggghhh ! We hardly ever eat them (about 1 or 2 a year if that) so they see it as a big treat. I'd definitely rather be tucking into a Sunday roast so I might have to see if I can change their minds !

dinner - homemade soup of some description, depending on what's in the cupboards/fridge


dinner - chilli con carne & rice


dinner - spicy cod with roasted veg couscous


lunch - Cheesy Smoked Sausage & Hash Brown Casserole with pico de gallo

dinner - Beef, spinach, sweet potato and peanut stew - a dish from Sudan for Food For Thought


dinner - Chicken Tava, a Turkish dish


dinner - there's bound to be a fridge full of leftovers to use up - if not, spaghetti carbonara

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Join in with the weekly meal plan bloghop !


  1. Good luck with changing the kids minds about the kebabs. The only time I eat a kebab is when I'm on my way home from a night out. lol
    I love the sound of Wednesday's stew. Yum, yum x

  2. I love chilli con carne and the spicy fish sounds yummy! Hope you have a good week and thank you for joining in with #MealPlanningMonday x

  3. I love a long as it's grilled chicken. I'm a bit scared of the "real" kebab meat! That Sudanese dish sounds lush.

    1. Here in France, the doner kebabs are poultry as standard. I relented and let them have their way and it was actually very nice - and it was packed so loads of people must have kebabs for Sunday lunch !
